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colander是什么意思 colander的用法 colander怎么读

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英 ['kʌləndə; 'kɒl-]美 ['kɑləndɚ]

n. 滤器,滤锅

n. (Colander)人名;(英)科兰德

colander是什么意思 colander的用法 colander怎么读


1. 谐音“可滤的、可滤斗儿”。


colander 滤器

来自拉丁词colum, 筛子,词源同percolation, 过滤。



colander: [14] Colander probably comes ultimately from Latin colum ‘sieve’. From this was derived the verb cōlāre ‘strain’, which produced a Vulgar Latin noun *cōlātor. This is assumed to have passed into Old Provençal as colador, which appears to have been the source of early English forms such as culdor- and culatre. The n is a purely English innovation.

=> percolate, portcullis

colander (n.)

mid-14c., coloundour, probably altered from Medieval Latin colatorium "strainer" (with parasitic -n-) from Latin colatus, past participle of colare "to strain," from colum "sieve, strainer, wicker fishing net," which is of uncertain origin. Cognate with French couloir, Spanish colador, Italian colatojo.


1. When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.

你把卷心菜煮开后, 用滤锅把水滤掉.

2. Mr Colander asked a group of Chicago students.



3. The debris can be separated from the anthers with a colander of proper mesh size.


4. Drain in a colander, reserving 1 cup cooking water.

取出面条, 过滤水分,留下一杯煮面条的水.


5. When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.

当你把卷心菜煮开后, 用漏勺把水滤掉.


[ colander 造句 ]


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