
首页 > 英语学习 > 英语学习方法 > bec中级的memo格式解析


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1、 看清题意,明确自己的职务和位置,以便确定行文的情态动词。

2、 题目通常会要求你写清楚几点,比如询问三点事宜,或征求三点意见,只要是题目要求的,一条都不能落下,否则很难得分。

3、 保证三美:格式美、用词美、结构美,这点我马上讲细节。

4、 尽可能简单明确,不要超过规定字数。



Agreeing to help , commenting on Sue's idea, suggesting a time and place to meet


Dear Steve:

I appreciate your trust to me and I've studied your request. And it would be better if you take some activities in advance for restoring and purchasing. would it be possible if we meet for details at 9:00am on Sunday in the pizzahut nearby Quancheng Square?

Sincerely yours



1、 文章中不要出现缩写,缩写在商务英语里面是不正规的

2、 有必要提一提人家的信,因为商务人士都比较忙,你回了信,他都会忘了是哪天给你发的,以及什么内容

3、 有点误会出题人的意思,comment on不必说具体操作,而只需要说一下好不好就行,万一字数超了就不好了

4、 商务中的习惯,跟人约时间通常在工作日,最好不要是周末。

5、 日期要精确,最好把date和day都说明一下。


1、 格式正确

2、 三条都没落下

3、 字数控制比较合理


Dear Steve:

I have studied your cash flow problem mentioned in your letter dated Sep.27th and of course would like to help you out. The idea referred should be helpful and I suggest we meet to figure out a feasible solution at my office at 9 am,Monday 25th June。

Sincerely yours



Look at the memo below and decide how it can be improved; Rewrite it in your own words; When you've done this, compare your rewritten memo with the model in next piece.


To: All members of staff, Northern Branch.

From: K.L.J.

Date: 5 December 20――

As you know, one of the reason for the introduction of PCs in Northern Branch was to provide us with feeback before we decide whether to install PCs in other departments. The Board has asked me to submit a report on your experiences by the end of this week. I talked to some of you informally about this last month. During my brief visit I noticed a junior member of staff playing some kind of computer game in the lunch hour, and a senior manager told me that he used his for writing letters - a job for a secretary, surely? So that I can compile a full report, I would like everyone to let me know what thay personally use the PC for, what software they use and how long per day they spend actually using it. It would also be useful to find out how their PC has not come up to expertations, and any unanticipated uses they have found for their PC, so that others can benefit from your experience.

This is the model for the rewritten memo:


To: All member of staff, Northern Branch

From: K.L.J.

Date: 5 December 20――


The board urgently requires feeback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch. I need to know, for my report:

1. What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this. If you are doing work that was formally done by other staff, please justify this.

2. What software you use. Please name the programs.

3. How many hours per day you spend actually using it.

4. How your PC has not come up to your expectations.

5. What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC, that others may want to share.

Please FAX this information directly to me by 5p.m. on WEDNESDAY 7 December.

If you have any queries, please contact my assistant, Jane Simmonds, who will be visiting you on Tuesday, 6 December. Thank you for your help.


e is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


3.A proper part-time job does not occupy student’s too much time fact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study an old saying goes :All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.


increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


it comes to education ,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills ,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure.


ough this view is widely held ,this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.






回想到去年,我是暑假刚开始报的名,但是由于又在学日语,挖,背日语单词都还背不过来(日语当时是上一天课的),BEC就从8月23号开学开始学的,发现落下很多课,大三开学事情相对少一些,开始狂补,带着mp3和打印版的课件,在图书馆对着课本学(话说我把沪江推荐的那个8本套装全买了,但是同步辅导和单词书那2本由于太懒一点没碰 -_- )这样补课的状况一直持续到10月初(好像是10月7号看完课本的)然后开始做模拟题(一星期2套做了3个星期),然后在全校贴了20张小广告终于在10月下旬找到了partner,开始了每周4次每次2小时的speaking联系(后来11月中下旬则是每周3次每次半小时),11月开始做真题做了11套(发现通过率是50% -_-)


writing有规范格式,事先书上以及老师们都针对不同作文形式给予不同的规范,有时还要注意开头和结尾(记得有一次讨论区里老师总结了写信时针对收信人的身份应该用什么结尾,e.g. Best Regards什么的,都有讲究)来源:考试大


罗嗦那么多,总结一下: 多听听力,要能回到暑假,像我这样本来听力就不怎么样的没事就得戴耳机听,直到把那些带不同口音的对话都听清楚,听清对话里每一个陷阱。做完真题还要再看(我只求量没求质,做完一遍就丢一边了),听习惯了真题的听力,实际做题一定会比较轻松。每一类型作文总结出属于自己的最容易套的模板(写email写信写memo还要注意礼貌用语),reading按照自己认为的由易到难的题目做,speaking把那本中高级口语练习书全讲一遍口语一定没问题了。另外一定要多看讨论区里的一些精华讨论,虽然我基本没参加讨论(灌过三次水),似乎没在课件下方留言,也没参加需要提交的各次作业(真是不够积极-_-)。不过,一定的努力,总有一定的回报。