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口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。下面小编给大家带来雅思口语范文:Part2 Describe a time that a piece of equipment was broken。


雅思口语范文:Part2 Describe a time that a piece of equipment was broken

Describe a time when a piece of equipment was broken(such as TV)


You should say:

What it was

What problem it was

What you did after it was broken

And explain how you felt about it

我想讲讲前些天我笔记本坏掉的事情。上周我们搬家的时候不小心给摔了一下,然后开不了机了。我当 时急着在电脑上做一个ppt文档,可把我急坏了。给维修人员打电话,好在师傅效率非常高,原来是里面 有个零件撞坏了,换了配件就好了。我也顺利完成了ppt文件。

I want to talk about when my laptop didn’t work. I’ve had it for almost five years. It was pretty expensive when I bought it because I hoped that it could last longer than average. And it did! It’s definitely of sound quality,(质量好) runs smoothly and has a huge memory bank.(内存大) It serves my needs just fine! Unfortunately, it slipped on the ground accidentally last week when I was moving houses. The fixed disk sprung apart from the laptop(硬盘一下被摔出来了). I can tell you, my heart was broken right at that point! Not only because I loved that laptop, but also all my files were saved on it. You know, those files were really hard work! I immediately called the repair center and asked them to send someone over. Because I happened to have an urgent PPT to complete that day, whoever took the phone call, probably heard my anxiety on the phone. The repairman came like ten minutes later. Apparently, not only the disk was not working anymore, the screen was damaged too. But the good news was that the repairman was pretty experienced and he had already anticipated the problems.(他已经预料到会出现的问题) He brought a spare screen and all the tools needed. After about one hour, my laptop was good again! And the whole thing didn’t cost much money either. He charged me only four hundred bucks. That’s a pretty reasonable price for repairing a laptop in my city. Because of him, I got to finish my work just before the deadline. I couldn’t express how thankful I was to him! I called that repairing center again that afternoon and gave a positive review of his work.


Part 3:

What are the common home appliances that people use these days?

Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?

When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?

Are you good at handling problems on your own?











5-6.5: keep talking 型考生。



曾经有位学生口语表达流利度很不错,但词汇语法的问题比较大,常常说出来的句子让人比较费解。按照同样的表达习惯他考了三次,一次6.5,一次5,一次6。这说明不同的考官和你交流的认可度是不同的,而平均来看keep talking型考生的分数主要分布在5-6.5这个段位。因此该类型的考生要多注意表达的质量。




8-9:该分数段的考生在表达方式以及发音上都趋于native speaker的水平。

首先是发音,在此阶段pronunciation的要求远远不只是要正确的发音,还需要连读,省音,变音,不完全爆破等,这些语音现象伴随语速的加快而明显。不论是英文歌还是电影,里面的语音现象都是非常明显的,其实大家留意比较一下会发现,native speaker之所以能说的那么快正式因为有这些连读省音的处理。


中文的表达常常是一个句子中有很多的名词,比如这样一句话: 我们学习的主要目的是在新形势的不断发展中学会如何应对不断变化的事物。按照字对字的翻译就是:the purpose of our study is in the new situation’s consistent development to cope with the changing things. 其实在口头表达中能一次性说出这样的表述已经算很不错了,起码没有太大的语法问题,但雅思考官理解得花上一些功夫。


那么以上的句子我可以把它理解的更趋于英文的表达:我们要学会应对不断变化的事物,特别是在这种新形势下,它是处于不断变化中的。we should learn to deal with the ever-changing events, especially in such a new situation which has been changing day by day。这个例子旨在让大家明白在雅思口语组织思路的时候就应从英式的表达出发。

雅思口语范文:Part2 Describe a time that a piece of equipment was broken


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