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It seems like you can't look at the internet these days without seeing an overworked and stressed-out mom bemoaning that they wish their partners did more. It's not just the housework (although that's certainly part of it), because when you're a parent, you have a whole new set of responsibilities to worry about. If you have a full-time job, you also have a second full-time job of keeping humans alive. Then there's the doctor's appointments, the schedules, the feedings, the diaper changes, etc. It also continues to increase and pile up as kids get older.


Despite the fact that this is clearly too much for any one person to do on their own, women in heterosexual relationships typically get burdened with most of the tasks. Anyone who's OK with their partner doing all (or a majority) of these things is not a good partner, and they're not a good parent, either. At best, they're inadequate at meeting the needs of the family. And who wants to be with a bare-minimum partner and parent?



Being a good parent is about more than a pat on the head before the kids go to bed. If both parents are home, they should both be present in the care and maintenance of the house and family.


Equitable division of labor in couples has certainly gotten better over the years, but things are still far from perfect. Married women report more stress than other groups, and with frequent stories of husbands stealing sleep on the weekend and mothers having to beg for help, it's easy to see why. This is unacceptable.


When I refer to equitable division of labor, it doesn't mean that all chores are perfectly doled out. Having to work long hours and an individual's skill set mean that to properly maintain a house, everyone has to individually pull their own weight to the best of their ability. My husband has never cleaned the bathroom, and that's OK because I sure as hell am not going to clean the oven or cook dinner on a regular basis.




  • 1英语每日一说:如果你能让一个女人大笑,那你就能让她做任何事!— Marilyn Monroe
  • 2每日一句口语 第785期:如果有样东西让你没有一天不想,那就不要放弃
  • 3英语每日一说:喜欢一个人,TA的对错影响不到你的生活。但如果你爱上一个人,那么他的一举一动都能深深影响你。
  • 4韩语每日一说:如果不能咬到对方,那么就不要让对方看到自己的牙齿。
  • 5日语每日一说:如果不是身处那个房间,绝不会知道这个人数。
  • 6说法话茬第425期:他的父母对他不再有任何真正的约束力了
  • 7每日一句泰语:如果我说你是个好人 那你对我而言就只是个好人
  • 8另一半不想听到的那些事
  • 9韩语每日一说:生活一定不会如我们所愿,如果尽全力度过一天,那么就安心入睡吧。
  • 10英语每日一说:如果有朋友一直要求你做你不想做的事,你或许会叫他让你一个人呆着,或者说“别烦我”。
  • 11韩语每日一句:生活一定不会如我们所愿,如果尽全力度过一天,那么就安心入睡吧。
  • 12韩语每日一说:俗话说闻一知十,他连约会时间都不能好好地遵守,那么其他事情可能也做不好。
  • 13韩语每日一说:如果不知道还钱的方法,那么就不要借钱。
  • 14日语每日一句:人生就是做与不做的选择。如果做了,有可能只能得到相应的回报;如果不做,就永远只是那个样子。
  • 15另一半不想听到的那些事大纲
  • 推荐阅读

  • 1韩语每日一句:人生如果无法成为一场勇敢的冒险,那就什么也不是。
  • 2这些迹象表明你从父母那儿学到了不好的感情习惯
  • 3每日一句口语 第613期:如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天 每日一句口语|更好的
  • 4每日一句口语 第933期:就像鞋一样,如果一个人注定是你的,他就会完全合适你
  • 5每日一句口语 第2820期:如果你爱我,那就不要为了其他,只为爱情
  • 6如果他不是他1000字
  • 7每日一句口语 第2092期:我不想要你将就,我也不想成为任何人将就的对象
  • 8韩语每日一说:人生如果无法成为一场勇敢的冒险,那就什么也不是。
  • 9如果他不是他-1000字作文
  • 10这些迹象或表明另一半出轨
  • 11另一半不会告诉你的那些秘密
  • 12他她话题:一生当中需要问父母的8个问题
  • 13韩语每日一句:不论什么事情都原样接受吧,不是那件事情支配我们,就是我们支配那件事情,接受好的部分然后扔掉剩下的。
  • 14英语每日一说:声誉是个无价的资产。但如果你除了声誉啥都没有,那它就一文不值。
  • 15英语每日一说:如果吃不好,一个人就难以很好地思考、恋爱、睡觉。——·弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙
  • 16如果爱不疯狂,那就不是爱了语录
  • 17西班牙语每日一句:如果一个人相信爱,那么好事一定会降临
  • 18韩语每日一句:选择就是放弃,有一个好的和一个更好的,因为鱼和熊掌不能兼得,所以我们只能选择更好的那个
  • 19秋分一过是不是晚上天就长了
  • 20世界就一个我,那不是多余,而是唯一