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The 10bn dollar mega project is expected tobe formalized during a four-country Latin American tour by Ch inese Premier LiKeqiang. The railway is expected to slash the cost of exporting commoditiesfrom Brazil to China.


Brazilian grains and oilseeds are a topitem on China's wish list, as are iron and other raw minerals. Ag riculturalgoods like corn and soy currently leave Brazil by sea and have to overcome theSouth American 'b arrier' in their trip to the Pacific and Chinese ports. Anoverland route would shave off a few days from the trip, and lower transportcosts.

中国非常需要巴西的粮食和油菜籽,当然中国也需要巴西的铁和其他原矿。目前巴西的农业产品比如玉米和大豆是海上 运输,所以得克服南美的“障碍”后才才能抵达太平洋和中国港口。而如果通过陆路交通的话,那么运输时间就会缩短几天,运输成本也会降低。


Technical studies of Peruvian railways arejust getting started but those from the Brazilian government indicate atranscontinental railway is likely to stretch from Port De in Rio de Janiero,through the agricultural heartland of Mato Grosso, and on to Porto Velho nearthe Peruvian border. Future studies will d etermine the route through Peru, butit safe to say that the rail would cross the Andes and end in one of the largerport cities like Callao, Mollendo, or Uo Arica.

对秘鲁铁路所进行的技术研究才刚刚开始,但是巴西政府官员指出这条跨大陆铁路有可能从里约日内卢的De A港出发 ,经过农业重地马托格罗索州,然后到达秘鲁边界的韦柳港。未来的调研将决定秘鲁境内的线路,但是这条线路肯定会穿过安第斯山脉,并最终抵达卡亚俄,莫延多,或者阿里卡这三个更大港口城市中的一个。

China has become the top trading partner ofBrazil and Peru, overtaking the US in 2009 and 2014, respectively. It's also atop consumer of Venezuelan oil and a top lender to the Venezuelan des Brazil and Peru, Premier Li Keqiang will travel to Colombia, to discussmore infrastructure projects, and to Chile, where China has significantinterests in its huge copper imports.
