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The Trump administration is exploring alternatives to taking trade disputes to the World Trade Organisation in what would amount to the first step away from a system that Washington helped to establish more than two decades ago.


Incoming officials have asked the US Trade Representative’s office to draft a list of the legal mechanisms that Washington could use to level trade sanctions unilaterally against China and other countries.

数名候任官员已要求美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the US Trade Representative)起草一份清单,列出华盛顿方面可用来对中国及其他国家实施单边贸易制裁的法律机制。


Their goal, people briefed on the request told the Financial Times, is to find ways that the new administration could circumvent the WTO’s dispute system.


Since being established in 1995 the WTO has become the pre-eminent venue for resolving trade fights between member countries, which its proponents say has helped prevent destructive trade wars.


While the US would remain a WTO member under the Trump administration’s plans, the officials’ move reflects the sceptical view many of them have of an institution they see as a plodding internationalist bureaucracy biased against US interests.


It also illustrates how Donald Trump, who has vowed to pursue an “America First” foreign policy, is setting out to test a global economic order that his predecessors helped to build and defend.

此举还显示出,发誓要奉行“美国优先”(America First)对外政策的唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump),将以何种方式考验其多位前任帮助建立和维护的全球经济秩序。

“The World Trade Organisation is a disaster,” the president said during last year’s campaign.
