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As humans retreat into their homes as more and more countries go under coronavirus lockdown, wild animals are slipping cover to explore the empty streets of some of our biggest cities.


Wild boar have descended from the hills around Barcelona while sika deer are nosing their way around the deserted metro stations of Nara, Japan.



Indian social media has gone wild about footage of a stag scampering through Dehradun, the capital of the northern state of Uttarakhand.


scamper[ˈskæmpər]: vi. 蹦蹦跳跳;奔跑,惊惶奔跑

Gangs of wild turkeys have been strutting the streets of Oakland, California, while a puma turned up in the center of the Chilean capital Santiago, which is under curfew.


"This is the habitat they once had and that we've taken away from them," said Marcelo Giagnoni, the head of Chile's agricultural and livestock service that helped police capture the curious big cat.

智利农牧服务部主任马塞洛·加格诺尼说:“这里是美洲狮原来的栖息地,后来被我们夺走了。” 农牧服务部协助警方抓获了这只好奇的美洲狮。

While the dawn and dusk choruses have been bringing comfort to many quarantined city dwellers, the museum's acoustics specialist Jerome Sueur said that doesn't mean there are more urban birds than before.


It is more that with reduced traffic noise we can hear them better. Some, however, "stop singing when there is noise, so now they are letting themselves go."


With the hunting season suspended in several European countries, this promises to be a spring and possibly a summer of love for the animal kingdom.


It is certainly great news for species like the common toad and the spotted salamander. The amorous amphibians are being spared from being "crushed crossing busy roads" in their haste to find a mate, said Jean-Noel Rieffel, of the French biodiversity office (OFB).


With few dog walkers to disturb them, baby fawns are also getting an idyllic start to life while birds like Mediterranean gulls who nest along the sandy banks of rivers are being left undisturbed.


idyllic[aɪˈdɪlɪk]: adj. 闲适恬静的

However, there are also down sides to the lockdown for nature.


Work to limit invasive species has been all but halted, cautioned Loic Obled of the OFB, as well as that to help endangered species.


And when the lockdown finally ends, Rieffel warned that "people will have a need of nature and there is a risk of too many visitors (to natural parks), which won't be good for the flora and fauna."


flora[ˈflɔːrə]: n. 植物群

fauna[ˈfɔːnə]: n. 动物群

The birds which have nested in the yard of an abandoned school or factory will find themselves disturbed, he warned. Nature's respite from man may be rather short-lived.



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