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Today, with the development of Internet, many traditional ways of life havebeen changed, especially the way to pay for purchase. The record of creditoccupies important role for everybody, and they need good credit to get loan, soas to start their business or buy a house. We have come to the age ofcredit.

There is a very classic example about the importance of credit. A Chineseman took the train in Europe. He found no one checked the ticket, so he justskipped the ticket. He thought he had saved the little money, but when he cameto the bank and wanted to get the loan, he got rejected, because his record ofcredit showed he had skipped the ticket, which made him the unreliable man.

The record of credit is the main basis when people asked for loan. Thebanks consider the account of money they would borrow according to the credit,or the departments will check a person’s credit to see if they want to hire age of credit asks for us to behave ourselves well, or we will live thetough life.


Once upon a time, I did not pay for my bill when I bought a pen, becausethe boss forgot to charge me, so I pretended to not realize it and just walkaway with the pen. Many years passed, every time when I think of it, I will beashamed of myself, I lost the important thing once, but I will not lose itagain.

The merit of honesty occupies great importance today. In the old time,without the camera’s supervisor, people kept their honesty according to theirself-consciousness. It seems that if they are not honest, they would not get anypunishment. But today, as the technology develops, people are supervised by thehigh-technologies all the time, once they are caught cheating, their files willhave the spot, which affect their career badly.

We are living in the modern life, we need to self-behaved, what we do isunder the invisible cameras’ watching. Even we make the small mistake, we willbe recorded without noticed. What we do decides what kind of person we are, solet’s be an honest person all the time.


People always attach the importance to the promise, they hate people whobreak their promise. I remember once a time, my friend asked me to go to see themovie with her, I said yes without hesitation. But on that day, I forgot aboutthe date, I just woke up late and then played computer games in my bedroom. Myfriends called me, she asked why did I disappear, I said I was sleeping at home,she became very angry, until then did I think about our date. I felt so sorry, Ibreak my promise for the first time, I realize I did the very bad thing. Eventhough I apologized for many times, my friend was still angry with me. I learnthe lesson, promise is very important, we must keep it, other people will seethrough our personality to decide what kind of person we are.


A boy went to a shop and bought a pencil and other things. When he wasgoing to pay the bill, he took out his wallet and found he had not enough moneyto pay. He felt awkward. At that moment, an old man who was in charge of theshop smiled and said to the boy that he could give the rest of the money nexttime. The boy was so shocked, as the old man trusted him so much. When the boywent home, he remembered it all the time. So the next morning, when he passedthe shop, he gave the money without hesitation. Integrity is priceless anddecides who we are.


The end of the term is coming soon. All the students are preparing for thefinal exam. Some students want to get the high mark by playing some e is no meaning to do this. Honesty is very important, because it decideswhat kind of person we will be. So we should behave ourselves well and ourparents will be proud of us.