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上大学前要先工作吗? Go to Work Before Entering University?

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上大学前要先工作吗? Go to Work Before Entering University?
In china, it is the traditional for high school students attend university after they graduate from high school for about three months. Many students will use these three months to stay home for relax. However, now there are some people point out that they should use that time to gain work experience, instead of wasting time. I agree with them. In my opinion, going to work before entering university has many advantages.
First of all, going to work before university is helpful for high school students to figure out the most desire major they want. As most high school students are busy with study in school, they don’t have too much time to find what they want in the future. The most important two points in choosing university and major are interest and employment. If they work before entering college, they can have a clearer mind for themselves. They have more chances to make a right choice. In addition, working before going to university can make them treasure their school life more. Life is not easy. When they work, they can realize this. Having taste the bitter, they will treasure their happy life more. 
To summary, going to work before entering university is a chance for high school graduate students to see themselves or the world better. It is good for them. 


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