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让孩子步行上学 Let Kids Walk to the School

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These days, inNanjingcity, taking a taxi to school is getting more and more fashionable amongmiddle-school students. Some of them are children of businessmen who arerelatively well-off. The parents of these children claim they can earn muchmoney easily and the yearly taxi fees spent by children mean nothing to most parents must work very hard---some even have to find a second job toafford their children’s high consumption.

让孩子步行上学 Let Kids Walk to the School


Parents’ love for their children is natural andunderstandable. They are not willing to let their children take the crowdedbuses and endure hardships of a long time bump. But this practice seems to domore harm than good to these kids. It is not simply a question of taking a taxi,it involves the parents’ education of their children in terms of Charactercultivating and physical training in the making of a man. In my opinion, nomatter how wealthy a family is, they should not spoil their children in theprocess of personality development. Instead, they should do something to tempertheir children to endure hardship and torture of life and get should let their children bear in mind that money does not come easily andanything cannot be achieved without sweat and tears. So they should not takeeverything for granted.


Our younger generations should have a comprehensivedevelopment, intellectually, physically and ethically. At present, it issurprising that moral education and character training for children are oftenignored. Let’s remember what Helen Keller, a blindUSwriter, says, “Character cannotbe developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and sufferingcan the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and successachieved.”



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