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如:He told us that he felt ill.他对我们说他感到不舒服。

I know he has returned.我知道他已经回来了。


ybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened.(and连接两个宾语从句,that宾语从句放在and的后面时,that不能省略。)大家都会看出所发生的事情并知道Tom非常害怕。

2.I know nothing about him except that he is from the south.(that引导的宾语从句作介词宾语时,that不能省略。)对他我一无所知,只知道他是南方人。

he ever said such a thing I simply don’t believe.(that从句位于句首时,that不可省略。)我简直不相信他曾说过这样的话。

decided,in view of his special circumstances,that we would admit him for a probationary period.(主句谓语动词与that从句之间有插入语,that不可省略。)鉴于他的特殊情况,我们决定应允他一段试用期。

(1)介词宾语从句 宾语从句也可用作介词的宾语。

如:He was deeply displeased by what had occurred that day.他对那天发生的事感到很不快。

I walked over to where she sat.我走向她坐的地方。

I am curious as to what he will say.我很想知道他要说什么。

Your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it.你是否成功将主要取决于你做什么和怎样做。

有时介词可以省略。如:I don’t care (for)who marries him.我不管谁跟他结婚。

Be careful (as to)how you do that.你要注意做这件事的方式。


如:I doubt whether he will succeed.我怀疑他是否会成功。

I don’t know if you can help me.我不知道你能否帮助我。

(3)连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever,whichever 连接副词where,when,how,why。

如:Who or what he was,Martin never learned.他是什么人?他是干什么的?马丁根本不知道。

I wonder what he’s writing to me about.我不知道他要给我写信说什么事。

I’ll tell you why I asked you to come.我会告诉你我为什么要你来。

You may do what you will.你可做任何你想做的事。




如:They were all very much worried over the fact that you were sick.对你生病这件事,他们都很焦虑。

Where did you get the idea that I could not come? 你在哪儿听说我不能来?

Early in the day came the news that Germany had declared war on Russia.德国已对俄国宣战的消息一大早就传来了。


如:I have no idea whether he’ll come or not.我不知道他是否来。


The question who should do the work requires consideration.谁该干这项工作,这个问题需要考虑。

We haven't yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.到哪儿去度暑假,这个问题我们还没有决定。

It is a question how he did it.那是一个他如何做了此事的问题。


1.不定式的构成 不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。

不定式一般有时式和语态的变化,通常有下表中的几种形式(以do为例):主动式 被动式 一般式to do to be done 完成式to have done to have been done 进行式to be doing/完成进行式to have been doing/

1)不定式的一般式 不定式的一般式所表示的动作通常与主要谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。

如:They invited us to go there this summer.他们邀请我们今年夏天去那儿。He stood aside for me to pass.他站到一边让我通过。

2)不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之后发生,它在句中可作表语、状语、宾语,有时也可作主语、定语等。

如:She seemed to have heard about this matter.她似乎已听说过这件事。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.我很抱歉让你等了这么久。

I meant to have told you about it,but I happened to have an important thing to do.我本来想告诉你这件事的,但我碰巧有一件重要的事要做。

It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country.对我来说,在你们国家旅行这么多地方是一件很荣幸的事情。

3)不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示正在进行的与谓语动词同时发生的动作。

它在句中可以用作除谓语以外的所有成分。如:It’s nice of you to be helping us these days.你真好,这些天一直帮我们。

He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully.他假装在认真地听老师讲课。

We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here.我们没料到你一直在这儿等我们。

4)不定式的完成进行式 如果不定式表示的动作是谓语所表示


如:Try not to be late again next time.尽量下次不要再迟到。

He wished us never to meet her again.他希望我们永远不要再见到她。

6)疑问词+动词不定式:不定式和疑问词whether,what,which,whom,where,when,how,why等连用可以在句中起名词的作用,通常跟在tell,know,show,decide,learn,wonder,explain,advise,teach,discuss,find out等动词后面作宾语,有时也可以充当主语、表语等。

如:On hearing the news,he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.听到这个消息,他不知道该哭还是该笑。

When to hold the meeting has not decided.什么时候开会还没有决定。

The most important problem is how to get so much money.最重要的事情是如何搞到这么多钱。


如:Mary gave some advice on how to learn English.玛丽提了一些如何学习英语的建议。

I have no idea of how to do it.我不知道该怎么做。