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留美老师带你每日说英文 第576期:对人性本善的理解

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If you believe that people are basically good, you are likely to believe that poverty or bigotry or some other outside force causes people to commit violent crime. That's the only way you can make sense of the fact that some people commit crimes despite their basically good nature. Something drove them to it.

留美老师带你每日说英文 第576期:对人性本善的理解


cally 基本上
basically (adj.) 基本上
basic (adj.) 基本的

rty 贫穷、穷困
poverty (n.) 贫穷、穷困

try 盲从
bigotry (n.) 盲从

it 犯(罪)
commit (v.) 犯(罪)
commitment (n.) 交付
commission (n.) 佣金

ent 残暴的
violent (adj.) 残暴的
violence (n.) 暴力

e 犯罪行为
crime (n.) 犯罪行为
criminal (n.) 罪犯