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英语口语每日一招 第71招:过去时(7) 电话预约 柜台结帐

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1、 传授秘诀,口语入门 come in, relax
He wasn't there. 他当时不在。
她当时不在家:She wasn't at home.
他当时并不富裕:He wasn't rich.
他当时还没有结婚:He wasn't married.
她当时没有工作:She wasn't working.
她当时不是在做饭:She wasn't cooking.
他并没有受到邀请:He wasn't invited.
2、 电话英语一点通 English for the telephone.
Hi, Bob, this is John Lin. 你好鲍勃,我是John Lin.
Hi,John. 你好,John。
I'm with Hardford public relations. I'd like to set up an appointment to come by and talk with you about our services. 我在Hardford公关公司工作,我想和你约个时间见面来谈一谈我们的服务。
How about tomorrow at 11o'clock? 明天上午11点怎么样?
Hello Mr. Chen, it's Marry. 你好陈先生,我是Marry.
Yes Marry?.有什么事情吗?
I would wondering if we could set up a time to meet and go over those sales figures.
I'm booked up this week. How about next week? 我这个星期已经都排满了,下个星期怎么样?
3、 旅行英语一点通 Tourist English
Good morning, how are you? I can help ring your groceries up in lane number 4.早上好, 我可以帮助您在通道4把这些杂货结帐。
Let me put them on the belt for you. 让我把他们放到传送带上
Paper or plastic? 纸袋还是塑料袋?
I prefer plastic please. Could you put my milk and meat in a separate bag? 我想要塑料袋,你能帮我把奶制品和肉类放到不同的带子里吗?
Your total comes to 50 dollars. 您总共是50美元。
I forgot to give you this coupons. 我忘记给您优惠卷了。
With the coupons your new total is a 46. 用了优惠券您的总价是46美元。
Well, I save a few dollars. There is 50. 这样我就省下了几块钱。给您50美元。

英语口语每日一招 第71招:过去时(7) 电话预约 柜台结帐


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