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I was standing at the entrance of a swanky bar on an unremarkable Wednesday night in September the first time I saw the light hit his face. Every cell in my body became a choir - resounding a synchronized "whoa." I was certain he was the most fascinating work of nature I had ever had the pleasure of marveling at.


It was our first date, and a blind one, in fact, because we had only developed a flirtation over Facebook. A mutual friend was emphatic that we meet, claiming to have been struck with an unshakable feeling we were "perfect for each other." Curious scrolling through his tagged photos had not prepared me for his charming level of in-the-flesh appeal, however.



He was something in the realm of an Adonis; like a tonic of exhilarating alchemy. I was drunk, sweating, and "hot and bothered," but it wasn't the cinnamon vodka. Within a week of our first meeting, the gates of passion flung wide open with total abandon. We fell into a pool of romance so intoxicating, we could barely keep our heads above water. We began talking for hours every night - swapping stories of triumph, love, heartache, and defeat. He talked about his grief over losing his father to a massive heart attack at 16. I shared my pain over losing my mother to a tragic accident at the age of 6.


We swapped text messages from the moment our eyes opened until they closed each night. A few weeks in, he asked, "Do you want to run away together? I don't care where we go." My answer was no. Because I didn't. I had no desire to ever run again. I wanted to stay right where I was, swimming around in this pool of newfound magic with him forever.


Eight months later, while at a Sunday afternoon picnic in the park, one knee pressed into the grass, he presented me with a diamond ring and asked me to become his wife. I said yes, of course.




  • 1心灵鸡汤:生活中,我们最幸福的时候
  • 2每日一句泰语:不用为某些事物的离去而难过 它从一开始就没属于过我们
  • 3幸福并没有结束作文
  • 4我们的生活多么幸福作文
  • 5我为韩语听力狂—812对不起,先生,我们该结束营业了
  • 6韩语每日一说:我还没有结束,你不要等我先下班吧。
  • 7这五个法语词,我们从来就没搞清楚过它们的阴阳性
  • 8每日一句泰语:或许他并没有想要给我们希望 只是我们想多了而已
  • 9韩语每日一说:瞬间 — 文正熙 就像波涛四溅的阳光 虽然爱情总在我身边 我却不知道它长着翅膀。 就像被凝望而屏息无语的那瞬间 我光艳地送走爱情,并长久地思念爱情。
  • 10经典美文阅读:生活中,我们最幸福时
  • 11【口语天天向上】每日一说一周汇总:生活中我们最幸福
  • 12生命并没有结束900字
  • 13“你并不孤单--我们一起过节”男生节活动总结
  • 14生活杂谈:幸福生活来自于知足(上)
  • 15每日一句泰语:时间不会帮我们遗忘过去 它只是教会我们如何与过去相处
  • 16不成文的社会规则:没钱就没权利结婚?
  • 17没有钱,我们能爱多久
  • 18英语每日一说:在我们擦身而过的瞬间,她可以从我的脸上看出我的欣喜若狂。我想,我将再也见不到她了,但我们共享了那永恒的片刻。
  • 19每日一句口语 第2834期:我知道这世上有人在等我,尽管我不知道他是谁
  • 20和好朋友结婚才能收获幸福生活?