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美国指控三人参与黑客攻击 Three charged over hacking at JPMorgan and Fidelity

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美国指控三人参与黑客攻击 Three charged over hacking at JPMorgan and Fidelity

Two Israelis and an American with ties to Russia have been charged in connection with an alleged hacking scheme against 10 financial institutions, news organisations and others including JPMorgan Chase, Fidelity Investments and the Wall Street Journal.

两名以色列人和一名与俄罗斯有关联的美国人被指控涉嫌参与进行黑客攻击,攻击对象包括摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、富达投资(Fidelity Investments)和《华尔街日报》(WSJ)在内的10家金融、新闻及其他机构。

The men are believed to have stolen personal information for more than 100m people, including data in last year’s hack of JPMorgan, the biggest hack of a US financial institution. The indictments from the US attorney’s office in Manhattan come amid a marked increase in corporate breaches .


Gery Shalon and Ziv Orenstein of Israel were arrested there in July and prosecutors are seeking their extradition. US citizen Joshua Samuel Aaron, who has lived in Moscow and Tel Aviv, is still at large.

格里餠虬(Gery Shalon)和齐夫攠伦斯坦(Ziv Orenstein)7月在以色列被捕,检察官正在寻求引渡这两人。涉案的美国人乔舒亚帠缪尔阿龙(Joshua Samuel Aaron)曾在莫斯科和特拉维夫居住,目前仍然在逃。

Mr Shalon is alleged to be the leader of a “sprawling cybercriminal enterprise” that employed hundreds of people and operated in more than a dozen countries. None of the three could be reached for comment.


Mr Orenstein was Mr Shalon’s deputy, while Mr Aaron is accused of hacking and manipulating the market. The hacks, which took place from 2012 to mid-2015, were aimed at aiding stock manipulation schemes that generated tens of millions of dollars, prosecutors said.


As part of that effort, the suspects sought to market the stocks they were allegedly manipulating to customers of the companies they had hacked. They also launched cyber attacks to help them process payments for illegal drug suppliers, counterfeit software, malicious malware distributors, illegal online casinos and an illegal bitcoin exchange known as .


Mr Shalon told an unnamed co-conspirator that his manipulative trading in the US was “a small step towards a larger empire” and said getting clients of hacked companies to buy stock was “like drinking freaking vodka in Russia”, according to the indictment.




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