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约翰逊成不了现代丘吉尔 Johnson has failed the Churchill test

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约翰逊成不了现代丘吉尔 Johnson has failed the Churchill test

In his highly entertaining biography of Winston Churchill, Boris Johnson observes that — “To some extent all politicians are gamblers with events. They try to anticipate what will happen, to put themselves on the right side of history.” Mr Johnson even interprets his hero’s decision to campaign against Hitler, early in the 1930s, in this cynical light, explaining that Churchill — “Put his shirt on a horse called anti-Nazism... his bet came off in spectacular fashion”.

鲍里斯约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在自己撰写的关于温斯顿丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的极富趣味性的传记中指出:“从某种程度上讲,所有政客都是见风使舵的赌徒。他们设法预测将要发生什么事,并让自己站到历史正确的一边。”约翰逊甚至用一种嘲讽的语气解释丘吉尔在上世纪30年代反对希特勒(Hitler)的决定,他说,丘吉尔“把全部家当押在一匹被称为反纳粹主义的马上……他的押注获得了辉煌的成功”。

I thought of that passage when I heard that Mr Johnson has thrown in his lot with the Leave campaign — ahead of Britain’s referendum on EU membership on June 23.


Mr Johnson has put his shirt on a horse called Euroscepticism. He is clearly hoping that his bet will also “come off in spectacular fashion” and carry him, like Churchill, all the way into 10 Downing Street — preferably without the added bonus of a world war.


The mayor of London’s decision is certainly a significant moment in the referendum campaign. A Vote Leave group that was in danger of being led by cranks, nobodies and octogenarians will now be headed by one of the country’s most popular politicians.


June could also be a particularly propitious time to be making the case against the EU. By then, the Greek debt crisis may well have flared up again. Europe’s migrant crisis is also likely to have intensified, as improved weather increases the numbers of would-be refugees crossing the Mediterranean. That will increase infighting among the members of the EU, making the organisation look ever more shambolic.


The vision of hundreds of thousands more desperate would-be migrants, not too far from the English Channel, will also play directly into the most emotive argument that the Leave campaign will deploy: the fear of mass migration from Europe and the demand that the free movement of people from the EU should be halted.


Seeing the potentially terminal difficulties that the EU is facing may have led Mr Johnson to try to “put himself on the right side of history”, by placing a bet against Europe.


But there is more than one way of being on the right side of history. The first is simply to anticipate the direction of events. The second, more important, way is to align yourself with the right causes and values — those that the history books will ultimately vindicate. Churchill’s decision to oppose the appeasement of Hitler was right in both senses. He saw how events were unfolding — and, yes, he ultimately benefited politically from his prescience. But he also stood up against evil.


Mr Johnson’s decision to campaign for Brexit might put him on the right side of history, but only in the first and narrowest sense of foreseeing the direction of events. The EU is certainly in a sorry mess at the moment. There is also a strong strand of anti-establishment, anti-immigration populism loose in both the US and Europe, which could easily translate into a British vote to leave the EU. So betting against the EU could allow the London mayor to pocket some political winnings.


But Mr Johnson is on the wrong side of history in the more important sense, because he is aligning himself with some of the most malign forces in Europe and Britain. Across Europe, it is the far-right and the far-left that are calling for the destruction of the EU — and they will cheer loudest if Britain votes to leave. On the borders of the EU, Vladimir Putin sees Brussels as a bitter enemy — and hugely resents the sanctions that the EU imposed on Russia after its annexation of Crimea. The Russian president will be delighted and emboldened at any sign of the disintegration of the EU.

但在更重要的意义上,约翰逊站在了历史的错误一侧,因为他跟欧洲和英国最有害的势力站在了一起。在整个欧洲,正是极右翼和极左翼势力在呼吁摧毁欧盟——如果英国通过投票脱离欧盟,他们的欢呼声将是最响亮的。在欧盟的边界上,弗拉基米尔渠京(Vladimir Putin)把欧盟视为一个劲敌,而俄罗斯吞并克里米亚招致欧盟的制裁,也引起了俄罗斯的极大怨恨。欧盟解体的任何迹象,都将令这位俄罗斯总统感到欢欣鼓舞和信心大增。

In failing to appreciate the wider international context for his actions, Mr Johnson is following a distinctly un-Churchillian path. Churchill was the very opposite of a Little Englander. That is why he understood so quickly what the rise of Hitler meant for Britain, Europe and the world. It is also why he was one of the first politicians to understand the significance of Soviet actions in eastern Europe after 1945 — leading him to coin the term “iron curtain”.

约翰逊走上了一条不同于丘吉尔的道路,因为他未能从国际大形势的角度思考自己的做法。丘吉尔非常反对“小英格兰主义者”(Little Englander)。正因如此,他才那么快就明白了希特勒的崛起对英国、欧洲和世界意味着什么。也正因如此,他才成为最早理解1945年以后苏联在东欧行动的意义的政治家之一,他为此创造了“铁幕”一词。

A modern Churchill, which is what Boris clearly aspires to be, would immediately understand that Britain’s decision about whether to stay in the EU has to be seen as part of a wider global picture. And that big picture is very worrying — with Russia rediscovering its taste for war, the Middle East disintegrating, violent jihadism on the rise, China flexing its muscles in the Pacific and the US flirting with the lunacy of “Trumpism”.


Given all that, it is depressingly small-minded of Mr Johnson to justify campaigning for Brexit partly on the grounds that Britain might save a bit of money on its contributions to the EU budget. The fact is that Britain will pay a very heavy price — directly and indirectly — if the EU disintegrates. As David Cameron, prime minister, correctly pointed out, this is ultimately a question of national security.

鉴于这一切,约翰逊以脱欧会节省一点对欧盟预算的摊派额作为支持脱欧的部分理由,此举目光短浅得令人沮丧。事实上,如果欧盟解体的话,英国将付出非常昂贵的代价——包括直接和间接代价。英国首相戴维(David Cameron)说的有道理,这从根本上来说是一个关乎国家安全的问题。

When Mr Johnson made his name as a journalist in the 1990s, campaigning against the follies of Brussels was fun. It was even possible to argue, back then, that the ambitions of the EU represented a serious threat to British self-government. But it would be absurd to look around today’s world and identify the EU as the biggest threat to British democracy or national security. The times have changed. Sadly, it seems that Mr Johnson has not changed with them.



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