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It'll be a while before Stranger Things fans can return to the Upside Down, but while we're all anxiously waiting for Season 3 to premiere, here's a rundown of what we know is coming up in Season 3 of Netflix's supernatural hit:


1. It will premiere Summer 2019. Stranger Things was renewed for Season 3 way back in December 2017, and production kicked off in April 2018. Season 3 is all about how "one summer can change everything," and it premieres on July 4, 2019. Unfortunately, this means you're going to have to cancel any BBQ plans you had for the day.

1. 这一季将于2019年夏天开播。《怪奇物语》第三季早在2017年12月就续订了,并于2018年4月开拍。它将会在2019年7月4日开播,这季讲的是怎么“用一个夏天改变一切”。不幸的是,这意味着你不得不取消当天的烧烤计划。

2. Let's go to the mall! The first trailer for Stranger Things Season 3 features one brand new location: the Starcourt Mall. Not only will we get to witness Eleven's first trip to the mall, but it appears as if there's going to be at least one big battle there.

2. 我们去购物中心吧!《怪奇物语》第三季的首支预告片中解锁了一个全新的地点:Starcourt Mall。我们不仅要见证Eleven第一次去购物中心,而且那里看起来至少会有一场大战。


's drawing on a major new pop culture influence. Season 3 will be set in 1985, which is the same year Back to the Future dropped. The movie is expected to be one of the big pop culture influences for the new season and has already been given a major nod in the clocktower shot that opens the season's teaser video.


y is back and shirtless. Could you not get enough of Season 2's new semi-villain, Max's step brother, Billy? Dacre Montgomery is once again front and center for Season 3, and it appears Mrs. Wheeler (Cara Buono) — and all the moms in Hawkins — are harboring a huge crush for the town's new lifeguard in a short teaser.

4. 比利回来了,光着膀子。是不是还没看够第二季新出现的半反派角色——麦克斯的继兄弟比利?戴克·蒙哥马利(Dacre Montgomery)再次成为第三季的主角,而在预告片中,惠勒夫人(卡拉·布奥诺[Cara Buono]饰)和霍金斯镇的所有妈妈们似乎都在暗恋着镇上新来的救生员。


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