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hostile是什么意思 hostile的中文意思

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英音 ['hɔstail] ;

hostile是什么意思 hostile的中文意思

美音 ['hɔstail] ;

1.显示极厌恶的; 含敌意的; 极不友好
2.对某事物持否定态度; 反对某事物
3. 敌人的; 敌方的; 敌对的


副词 hostilely


not belonging to your own country's forces or those of an ally

very unfavorable to life or growth

impossible to bring into friendly accord

marked by features that oppose constructive treatment or development

very unfriendly

unsolicited and resisted by the management of the target company ( used of attempts to buy or take control of a business)

characterized by enmity or ill will

troops belonging to the enemy's military forces


be hostile to 对...有敌意

hostile witness 恶意证人

hostile identification 敌意认同

hostile expedition phr. 敌对出征

hostile relations 【法】 敌对关系

hostile attack 恶意攻击

hostile fire phr. 意外失火险

hostile country 【法】 敌对国, 敌国

hostile elements 【法】 敌对份子

hostile aviation 敌航空兵


hostile a.1.显示极厌恶的; 含敌意的; 极不友好2.对某事物持否定态度; 反对某事物3. 敌人的; 敌方的; 敌对的


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