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play with fire

to act in a way that is not sensible and take dangerous risks 玩火;冒险

She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds.
He knew he was playing with fire by dating a student.
He who plays with fire gets burned.

美剧中出镜率极高的地道俚语(5) 第2张

lift the lid on something; take/blow the lid off something

to tell people unpleasant or shocking facts about something 揭露...的真相

Her article lifts the lid on child prostitution.


美剧中出镜率极高的地道俚语(5) 第3张

blow/toot your own horn

to praise your own abilities and achievements 自吹自擂

Do you know Joe Jones next door to me in my dorm? Nobody likes him - he's always blowing his own horn about what a great athlete he is and how much the girls all chase him.


美剧中出镜率极高的地道俚语(5) 第4张


a noisy fight or argument in which a lot of people take part 混战;众人激烈争辩;大吵大闹

On that political talk show last night the experts got mad at each other and got louder and louder. The host couldn't control them - it was a real free-for-all with everybody yelling at the same time.


The bunch of teenagers on the bus were arguing and suddenly two of them started to yell at each other. Then the rest jumped in. These kids ought to feel ashamed of themselves for such a free-for-all in public.


美剧中出镜率极高的地道俚语(5) 第5张

free and easy

informal; relaxed 随便;无拘束;轻松;自由自在

Life was never going to be so free and easy again.


美剧中出镜率极高的地道俚语(5) 第6张


not well planned or considered 计划不完善的;考虑不周的

a half-baked idea 不成熟的想法

Bill, I'm sorry but this sales plan looks half-baked to me. There are some good ideas here, but I want you to take it back and do some more work on it.


美剧中出镜率极高的地道俚语(5) 第7张

rob Peter to pay Paul

to borrow money from one person to pay back what you owe to another person; to take money from one thing to use for something else 借新债还旧账;拆东墙补西墙

You borrow money from me to pay the bank loan. It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.


If the restaurant reduces price for food in order to get more customers, but in the meanwhile reduces staff's salaries in order to cut cost, it is just robbing Peter to pay Paul.
