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一、具有“地点”意义的副词、时间意义的副词,以及能表移动方向的副词放在句首,句子的主语是名词,谓语是连系动词或表示“位置移动”的单个不及物动词时,该动词放在主语前面。如:There goes the bell.

注意:当主语是人称代词时,尽管副词在句首,主谓不倒装。如:Out they rushed.

二、具有“方位”意义的介词短语或副词短语在句中作状语或表语放在句首,谓语是连系动词be,以及表示“位于、存在”或“位置移动”的单个不及物动词时,该动词放在主语前面。如:Among the hens is a big cock.

三、作表语的形容词或分词放在句首时,连系动词放在主语前面[英语语法]。如:Present at the party were the ladies in the big city.


1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。

There goes the bell.

Then came the chairman.

Here is your letter.

2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。

Out rushed a missile from under the bomber.

Ahead sat an old woman.


Here he comes. Away they went.



一、把“so ... that ...”句型中的“so + 形容词 / 副词”部分放在句首时,be动词或助动词放在主语前面。如:

So frightened was the girl that she daren't move an inch further.


Jim asked the question. So did Lily.


Never shall I forget your advice.


1. “only + 状语从句”和“not until + 从句”位于句首时,在主句中进行倒装。如:

Not until the child slept did the mother leave the room.

2. “not also...”连接两个分句,not only位于句首时,倒装在not only所在分句进行。如:

Not only were the children moved but also the adults showed their pity.

3. “no ...”句型中的no sooner位于句首时,倒装在no sooner 主句中进行;“hardly / ...”句型中的hardly位于句首时,倒装在hardly / scarcely主句中进行。如:

No sooner had I gone in the house than it began to rain.

4. 当if引导从句表示虚拟语气时,if可省,再把从句中的were,had或should放在主语前面,形成部分倒装。如:

Had we been present, such a thing would not have happened.

5. 当as引导让步状语从句时,参照下面的形式进行特殊倒装。如:

Proud as these women are, they still look very weak. (作表语的形容词提前)

Student as he is, he often works in the factory. (作表语的名词提前,同时省去不定冠词a)

Hard as she worked, she couldn't support her family. (修饰谓语动词的副词提前)

Try as he would, he might fail again. (带助动词的谓语动词提前)

五、部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前。没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

1)句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until…,not only…(but also), hardly/scarcely…(when), no sooner…( than) 等。

Never have I seen such a performance.

Nowhere will you find the answer to this question.

Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.

Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender.

Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her.

No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her.

2) so, either, nor作部分倒装

Tom can speak French. So can Jack.

If you won''t go, neither will I.

3) only在句首要倒装的情况

Only in this way, can you learn English well.

Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.

Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed.

4) as, though引导的倒装句

as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。

Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

Young boy as he is, he knows a lot about basketball teams.

Hard as it was, they reached the peak of the mountain.

5) 其他部分倒装

1)so… that 句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。

So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch.


May you all be happy.

3)在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。

Were I you, I would try it again.

常见考法 1. not until 引导时间状语(从句)时的倒装;

2. 含so 的句子倒装与不倒装的区别;

3. only引导状语或状语从句时的倒装;

4. 虚拟条件句省略If时的倒装。

误区提醒1) Not until the early years of the 19th century___ what heat is

A. man did know B. man knew C. didn''t man know D. did man know


2) Do you know Tom bought a new car?

I don''t know, ___.

A. nor don''t I care B. nor do I care

C. I don''t care, neither D. I don''t care also

解析:答案为B.句中的nor引出部分倒装结构,表示"也不"。由 so, neither, nor引导的倒装句,表示前一情况的重复出现。其中, so用于肯定句, 而 neither, nor 用在否定句中。

3) --- You forgot your purse when you went out. --- Good heavens, ____ .

A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did

解析:错选A。 本题空处不表跟前面情况一样,只是对上述情况的随声附和,所以不用倒装。正确答案B。

4)Only when the war was over ____ to hometown.

A. did the soldier return B. the soldier returned

C. returned the soldier D. the soldier did return

解析:only 引导状语或状语从句时主句要用部分倒装。此题为一般过去时,须在主语前加did, 故正确答案为A。

5) ____ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to see films so often.

A. If it is not B Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not


点击下页查看更多高中英语名词所有格’s和of的用法和区别  高中英语名词所有格’s和of的用法和区别


主要表示有生命的事物或自然界独一无二的事物以及时间距离等所有格,如the world’s,the sun’s,the earth’s,today’s,yesterday’s等。有生命的人或物的所有格用’s表示,有时也可用of表示。如a man’s voice=the voice of a man。

1. 单数名词词尾加“’s”,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加“’s”。

例the boy’s bag 男孩的书包

men’s room 男厕所

2. 若名词已有复数词尾又是s ,只加“’”。

例 the workers’ struggle 工人的斗争

3. 凡不能加“’s”的名词,都可以用“名词+of +名词”的结构来表示所有关系。

例 the title of the song 歌的名字

4. 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词。

例 the barber’s 理发店

5. 如果两个名词并列,并且分别有’s,则表示“分别有”;只有一个’s,则表示“共有”。

例 John’s and Mary’s room(两间)

John and Mary’s room(一间)

6. 在复合名词或短语中,’s 加在最后一个词的词尾。

例 a month or two’s absence

7. 作为一个整体的词组,一般在最后一个词的词尾加’s。

例 an hour and a half’s walk (步行一个半小时的路程)

Carol and Charles’ boat (卡咯和查尔斯两人共有的船)

8. 不定代词后接 else , 所有格放在 else 上。

例 somebody else’s bag

9. 下列情况可以将 ’s 所有格中的名词省略。

1)名词所有格所修饰的词, 如果前面已经提到,往往可以省略,以免重复。

例 This notebook is not mine, nor John’s, nor Peter’s. 这个笔记本不是我的,也不是约翰和比特的。

The dictionary isn’t mine, but Jenny’s. 这本词典不是我的,而是珍妮的。

2)名词所有格后面有指地点等的名词时, 有的在习惯上可以省略。

例 Before Christmas, there were lots of customers at the Richarsons’.

the doctor’s(office)医生的诊所

my uncle’s(house)我叔叔的家

10. 起修饰作用的名词,如不表示所有关系,通常不用’s。

例 room number tooth brush


The boss’s son, was arrogant to all the employees. 老板的儿子对所有雇佣人员都很傲慢无礼。


This shop sells ladies’ hats. 这家商店出售女帽。

You don’t belong in the beginners’ class. 你不适合在初级班。


Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” is a literary classic. 狄更斯的《双城记》是一部古典文学作品。


This is Tom and Mike’s room. 这是汤姆和迈克共住的房间。


It’s less than two hours’ drive from here. 开车到那里不到2个钟头。

We visited some of the city’s scenic spots. 我们参观了这座城市的一些风景区。


We had a great evening at Paul’s. 我们在保罗家度过了一个愉快的夜晚。

She bought a bottle of vitamin table ts at the chemist’s. 她在药房买了一瓶维生素片。



2. 使用名词所有格须注意: 一般地说, ’s 所有格多用于有生命的东西,of 所有格多用于无生命的东西,但也有许多例外。


例 the sun’s heat the moon’s surface


例 the city’s development

the government’s plan


例 ten kilometres’ distance

200 dollars’ worth of goods

4)表示“有关……”非所有关系的用 of 介词短语。

例 students of the school the statue of liberty

5)表示同位关系的用 of 介词短语。

例 the city of Pisa

6)表示部分或全部的用 of 介词短语。

例 the bottom of the sea the majority of people

7)表示抽象概念的用 of 介词短语。

例 the cost of living the news of success

8)名词本身带有后置修饰语或含有“the + 形容词”表示一类人,其所有格用 of 介词短语。

例 the housing problem of the poor

the skills of the workers who have been well trained


例 five minutes’ walk 五分钟的路程

today’s newspaper 今天的报纸


Let’s meet in the bar of the hotel. 咱们在旅馆的酒吧间碰头。

You’ll find the answers at the back of the book. 在书后你可找到答案。


Might I ask for a photograph of the baby? 我可否要一张这宝宝的照片?


当被修饰的名词前有指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词或数词等限定词时,用双重所有格。双重所有格即 “ of + 名词’s 所有格”,表示整体中的一个或部分。用于修饰of前面的名词,但此时of前面的名词一定要有一个a(an),two,any,some,several,no,few,another或this,that,these,those之类的修饰语(这个修饰语一般不能是one和the)。双重所有格也可由“of+名词性物主代词”构成, 如:a friend of mine 我的一位朋友。如:

Two friends of my father’s came to see me. 我父亲的两个朋友来看我

You are certain to be happy with any relative of Mrs. Moore’s. 你和穆尔夫人的任何亲属在一起肯定是会很快乐的。

Do you know any friends of my husband’s?

Two classmates of my sister’s will come to join us.


例 an old friend of my father’s(=one of my father’s old friends)我父亲的一个老朋友

this lovely baby of my aunt’s 我姨妈的可爱的孩子



2.高一英语必修一Unit4 Earthquakes练习题答案


