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British Council 播客——eBay 易趣

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British Council 播客——eBay 易趣


Lecturer: Welcome everybody to today’s seminar. If I remember correctly, David, you’ll be leading the seminar
讲师:欢迎大家来到今天的研讨会。 如果我没记错的话,大卫,这个研讨会是你领导的。

David: Yes, that’s right ...
大卫: 是的,没错。

Presenter: Fine and how about questions – shall we keep these to the end or would you like people to interrupt during your presentation?
主持人: 好的,那关于提问,我们是到最后才问问题还是在讲解的过程中就可以打断提问题呢?

David: Thanks, ehm , if anyone has a question just ask straight away ..
大卫: 谢谢,我想如果谁有问题就直接问好了。

Lecturer: Fine, let’s go then ..
讲师: 好了,那我们开始了。

David: Right, ehm ..... eBay is an enormously successful company, it’s a household word in several countries, in 2005 it had a turnover of $4.55 billion and it employed 11,600 people – it’s achieved all of this in just 11 years. What’s the secret of eBay’s success? I think the key issue here is that eBay couldn’t exist without the Internet – you know there aren’t many examples of companies like this – take Amazon, for example if you don’t feel like switching your computer on you can always go round to the nearest book shop. But if you want to sell your old magazines to somebody in Germany eBay’s the only way to do it. Without the Net’s ability to bring buyers and sellers together from different locations there would be no eBay. So this is big point number one. Now, let’s move on to point two, the founders of eBay – Meg Whitman, the CEO , like all of the senior staff already had a successful business background – she brought in an experienced management team.
大卫: 是的……易趣是一个相当成功的公司,它的名字在很多国家都是家喻户晓的。在2005年,易趣达到了4,550,000,000美元的收益,在短短的十一年里就拥有11,600名员工。那易趣的成功秘诀是什么呢?我认为关键是互联网成就了易趣。你知道吗,没有多少公司是这样子的。以亚马逊为例,就算你不想开电脑,你也可以去最近的书店;但是如果你想出售你的旧杂志给德国的顾客,易趣是你唯一的选择。网络能把不同地方买家和卖家联系在一起,如果没有它,就没有易趣。所以这就是第一个重点。现在,让我们继续第二个要点。梅格•惠特曼是易趣的创办人,也是首席执行官。像所有高级职员一样,他有很成功的商业工作背景,并且引进了一个经验丰富的管理团队。

They had a great idea but it had to be a great profitable idea – around this – the importance of profitability they built their business model. Let’s move on to point three, sound business management – did you hear of eBay during the dotcom boom years? Not a lot – they were busy building their customer base and making money, they didn’t feature in stories headlining the excesses of the dotcom boom years ... Actually I’ll add another point, point four, eBay doesn’t produce, sell or ship anything itself, it provides the online marketplace for other people to do this – this gives it enormous financial power ....

Student: David, can I ask a question?

David: Sure ...

Student: What difference does that make – the point about eBay not making anything itself ..

David: Well, this means that they can use their capital very effectively – you know their capital isn’t tied up in buildings, factories, warehouses that sort of thing, again their capital isn’t tied up in things that are waiting to be sold, they haven’t got shops all over the world with sales assistants in them – all this costs – see what I mean ...


Student: Sure, I get it now ..


David: Great, now .... The only problem they’ve run into, actually that’s not true they’ve had a couple of major problems – anyway the first problem – they arrived in a couple of key markets too late – this happened in Japan and Hong Kong where Yahoo’s online marketplace had a head start. The other problem – well it’s the sort of thing we’ve all heard about – buyers receiving stolen goods or a product different from the one they thought they’d bought or no product at all, sellers putting in false bids to increase the price just before an auction finishes. eBay admits this happens but says that this sort of thing accounts for a very small percentage of all sales. OK , now I’d like to have a look at just how the company has expanded over the last 11 years ...


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