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When her newborn daughter Charlotte was diagnosed with a rare and deadly leukemia Pia de Jong and her husband made the momentous decision to reject potentially devastating chemotherapy and instead choose to "wait for what will come".

当她刚出生的女儿夏洛特被诊断出罕见而又致命地白血病时,Pia de Jong和她的丈夫做出了重大决定:拒绝潜在的具有破坏性的化疗,选择"坐等未知的结果"。

Instead they focused on giving their tiny girl the love and support. Incredibly instead of the horrific outcome of losing Charlotte that they feared, she recovered and is now a healthy teenager. Pia's instinctive decision, now known as "watchful waiting", has become the standard medical protocol for Charlotte's type of leukemia.


Below in an extract from her deeply felt memoir, Pia, a prize-winning literary novelist and newspaper columnist, takes the reader on a journey from birth to diagnosis to recovery. I just want to let my baby rest on my stomach for a while, but the midwife picks her up.


She weighs and measures her and writes down the numbers. Then she examines her from head to toe. From my bed I watch her stroking her index finger along my daughter's tiny back. Her brow moves, and her expression changes. A fraction of a second only, but long enough to tell me something is not right.



"What do you see?" I ask her. She points to a bump on the baby's skin, a soft, rosy hill. She then presses again on it with her index finger. When she lifts her finger, the spot turns blue.


"What is it?" I ask. "I don't know," she says. "I've never seen anything like this." She starts making notes again.


"What exactly are you writing down?" I ask. She turns her head toward me. Her piercing gaze in no way reassures me. "'Healthy baby,' Notes: spot on lower back. With light pressure it turns blue. Will watch it closely.'"


"Something is wrong," I tell Robbert. "Could you please check out that spot on the Internet, right now?" He stretches out beside us with his laptop and begins his search through websites. "I can't find anything about the spot," he tells me after a while. "Nothing even close to it."
