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The US is reconsidering its support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, after more than 140 people were killed on Saturday by air strikes that targeted a funeral gathering in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.


The White House said it had begun an immediate review into its role in assisting the coalition in the wake of the attack, one of the bloodiest since March 2015, when Saudi Arabia led a coalition of neighbouring Sunni states into an air and ground campaign seeking to restore the ousted government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

白宫表示,在这场袭击发生后,美方已开始立即重新审视其在援助这支联军中扮演的角色。自2015年3月起,沙特领导由周边逊尼派国家组成的联军,展开了空中和地面的军事行动,谋求恢复被赶下台的也门总统阿卜杜拉布•曼苏尔•哈迪(Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi)的政府。这场袭击是开战以来最血腥的事件之一。

Yemeni officials blamed Saudi Arabia for launching about three air strikes targeting a gathering after the funeral of the father of Yemen’s interior minister, Jalal al-Rowaishan, a close ally of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has been fighting alongside the Houthi rebel movement.

也门官员指责沙特针对也门内政部长贾拉勒•鲁韦尚(Jalal al-Rowaishan)父亲的葬礼后的一场聚会发起约3次空中打击。鲁韦尚是前总统阿里•阿卜杜拉•萨利赫(Ali Abdullah Saleh)的亲密盟友,而萨利赫一直在与胡塞(Houthi)叛军并肩作战。

US security co-operation with Saudi Arabia is not a blank cheque, said Ned Price, National Security Council spokesman. In light of this and other recent incidents, we have initiated an immediate review of our already significantly Reduced support to the Saudi-led coalition.

美国与沙特的安全合作并非一张空白支票,白宫国家安全委员会发言人内德•普赖斯(Ned Price)说,鉴于这次空袭和近期发生的其他事件,我们已启动立即重新审视我们对沙特领导的联军的支持,尽管这一支持已经显著缩减。

The US has backed Riyadh’s campaign to restore Mr Hadi’s government by providing rearmament and targeting assistance, but has become increasingly concerned about the loss of civilian lives in the 20-month campaign that has killed more than 10,000 people.


US-Saudi relations, already strained over Washington’s nuclear deal with Iran, has worsened this month after US lawmakers overrode a presidential veto and introduced a bill that would allow victims of the 9/11 attacks to sue foreign governments for terrorist attacks on US soil.


The coalition described the bombing as regrettable and painful, saying it would investigate the incident.


In a statement, it said its pilots have clear instructions not to target populated areas and to avoid civilians.


Coalition military officials had earlier briefed media that their jets had not struck the funeral hall.


The coalition said its investigation team would include experts from the US who have participated in previous probes into targeting of civilian targets in Yemen.


The UN says air strikes have intensified across the country in recent days heightening suffering and leading to loss of civilian life.


We deplore this outrageous loss of civilian life, said Robert Mardini, regional director for the Near and Middle East of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Civilians in Yemen have already paid far too heavy a price these past 18 months.

我们谴责这种骇人听闻的平民丧生,红十字国际委员会(ICRC)近东和中东地区主管罗贝尔•马尔迪尼(Robert Mardini)说,在过去18个月中,也门的平民付出了过于沉重的代价。

Since peace talks were suspended in August, the UN had already reported a sharp increase in civilian deaths, with 180 people killed last month, a 40 per cent rise over July.
