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希腊债务可持续性堪忧 Greece buoyed as debt relief calls gather momentum

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The European institutions overseeing Greece’s bailout have expressed “serious concerns” over the sustainability of the country’s debt, bringing them into line with the more pessimistic assessment of the International Monetary Fund.


The European Commission and the European Central Bank argue in a new analysis that debt relief measures, including extending repayment periods, would allow Athens to achieve debt sustainability, a solution advocated by the IMF. They say such moves would avoid the need for a full-scale haircut.

欧盟委员会(European Commission)和欧洲央行(ECB)在一项新的分析中提出,债务减免措施(包括延长还款期)将使雅典方面能够实现债务可持续——这正是IMF倡导的解决方案。他们表示,这样的举措将意味着不需要全面减记债务。

希腊债务可持续性堪忧 Greece buoyed as debt relief calls gather momentum

The conclusion provides a boost to Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras on the day he seeks to push a highly contentious reform and austerity programme through parliament as part of a new 85bn rescue programme agreed in outline on Tuesday. It will heap pressure on Berlin to back substantial debt relief for Athens when Greece’s creditors discuss the issue in the autumn.

这个结论有利于希腊总理齐普拉斯騠虎克西斯(Alexis Tsipras),他正在推动该国议会通过一项备受争议的改革和财政紧缩计划,这是各方在周二达成框架协议的850亿欧元新救助计划的一部分。另一方面,这个结论将使柏林方面受到压力,要求其在希腊的债权人今秋讨论这个问题时,支持向希腊提供大幅债务减免。

But the study could also exacerbate German concerns about ploughing ahead with a new bailout, given the scepticism in chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling conservative CDU/CSU bloc about Greece’s ability to deliver on reform promises and create the conditions for economic recovery.

但这项研究也可能加剧德国对于推进新纾困计划的担忧。德国总理安格拉默克尔(Angela Merkel)领导的保守的基民盟/基社盟(CDU/CSU)执政联盟,本来就对希腊兑现改革承诺、为经济复苏创造条件的能力持怀疑态度。

Germany, together with some other hardline eurozone members, has given Greek calls for debt relief short shrift, saying that any “nominal haircut” would be illegal under the EU treaties.


But the analysis by the European institutions suggests that extending maturities coupled with other grace periods would make an outright haircut unnecessary.


Without maturity extensions — or similar actions — there would be “serious concerns regarding the sustainability of Greece’s public debt”, it says.


Eurozone finance ministers are due to debate the outline agreement between Athens and its bailout monitors on the new 85bn rescue today. Germany has said the deal is insufficient and wants more time to work out the details.


But Berlin is becoming increasingly isolated in its reluctance to endorse a new rescue as other hardliners gave it their blessing. Alex Stubb, Finland’s finance minister, said he was ready to give the go-ahead to a new bailout. “We are turning the page in this crisis. Hopefully we will see Greece back on the path of recovery. The messages we are getting from Athens are probably a bit more committed than in the past.”

但是,柏林方面不愿支持新救助方案的立场,正使其越来越孤立,因为其他强硬的欧元区伙伴已表示赞同。芬兰财长亚历克斯斯图布(Alex Stubb)表示,他准备同意新的纾困方案。“我们正在翻开这场危机的新的一页。希望我们会看到希腊回到复苏的道路上。我们从雅典方面获得的承诺很可能比过去诚恳了一些。”

Although debt relief will not be formally discussed until after the summer, it could still become an issue in today’s talks. Berlin is insisting on the IMF’s full participation in a new bailout of Greece before deciding whether to back the deal. But the IMF — whose involvement is also critical for other hardline countries — warned last month that it may not be able to take part in a third Greek bailout if the country’s debts were unsustainable.



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