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One man has been killed and three police officers wounded in a shooting at an event in Copenhagen where a controversial Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed as a dog was speaking.

哥本哈根一个活动现场发生枪击事件,造成1人身亡、3名警察受伤。当时一名曾把先知穆罕默德(Prophet Mohammed)描画为狗的有争议的丹麦漫画家正在事发地点发表演讲。

Danish police said on Saturday afternoon that two people responsible were still at large after reports of up to 40 shots being fired.



The shootings took place at an event where cartoonist Lars Vilks and the French ambassador to Denmark were debating art, blasphemy and freedom of expression.

枪击案发生在一处活动现场,漫画家拉尔斯•维尔克斯(Lars Vilks)正在此与法国驻丹麦大使辩论艺术、亵渎神明和言论自由等课题。

The French ambassador wrote on Twitter: “Still alive in the room”. Reports suggested Mr Vilks was also unharmed as police stopped the shooters in the hallway outside the event. The dead man has not been named.


Helle Merete Brix, one of the event organisers, said she hid in a cold room with Mr Vilks during the shootings. “There is nobody that thinks it is pleasant when somebody tries to attack you. We sat in the cold room holding hands and telling jokes. For what else can you do in such a situation?” she told TV2.

活动的主办者之一赫勒•梅雷特•布里克斯(Helle Merete Brix)称,枪击发生时,她与维尔克斯躲在一间冷藏室内。“当有人试图攻击你时,没人会觉得愉快。我们坐在冷藏室里,相互握着手讲笑话。在这种情况下你还能做什么?”她向TV2表示。

Mr Vilks has been threatened before. Seven people were arrested in Ireland in 2010 over an assassination plot. Later that year, the Swede was hit in the face by a protester while giving a lecture at Uppsala University.

维尔克斯此前也遭到过威胁。2010年,7人因策划暗杀在爱尔兰被捕。当年晚些时候,这位瑞典漫画家在乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)举行讲座时,脸上被一名抗议者打了一拳。

François Hollande, France’s president, called Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt on Saturday evening to express his solidarity, the Elysée Palace said. Bernard Cazeneuve, the French interior minister, will set off for Copenhagen shortly.

爱丽舍宫(Elysée Palace)表示,周六晚间,法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)致电丹麦首相赫勒•托宁-施密特(Helle Thorning-Schmidt),表达了团结之情。法国内政部长伯纳德•卡泽纳夫(Bernard Cazeneuve)将很快前往哥本哈根。

Denmark has been on edge ever since the shooting of cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo in Paris last month as the first newspaper to publish drawings of Mohammed was Jyllands-Posten, a Danish daily.

自上个月《查理周刊》(Charlie Hebdo)的漫画家在巴黎遭到枪杀后,丹麦一直处于紧张之中,因为第一家发表穆罕默德漫画的报纸是丹麦日报《日德兰邮报》(Jyllands-Posten)。

The newspaper stepped up security after the Paris attacks. Several plots had already been foiled against it and other Danish targets after the cartoons were first published in 2005, an event that led to huge protests and dozens of deaths across the Arab world.


Flemming Rose, the Danish editor who originally commissioned the cartoons that were later republished by Charlie Hebdo, has been nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

最初委托创作后来发表于《查理周刊》漫画的丹麦主编弗莱明•罗塞(Flemming Rose)获得了今年诺贝尔和平奖(Nobel Peace Prize)提名。

He told the Financial Times last month: “I don’t regret commissioning those cartoons. I don’t believe that a cartoon is worth a single life. The problem is that there are quite a few people who believe otherwise and then we are confronted with this dilemma: what do we do?”


Danish police said the shooting took place shortly before 16.00 local time and the shooters escaped from Osterbro, to the north of Copenhagen's centre, in a dark Volkswagen Polo. The three police officers were not critically injured, the police later said.


The shootings immediately sparked debate in Denmark. One parliamentary candidate for the Danish People’s Party, a populist anti-immigration group that topped the polls in last year’s European elections, wrote on Twitter: “I think the left-wing and others who have supported Islam’s march into Denmark should be made accomplices.” He took down the tweet shortly afterwards and apologised.

枪击案立即在丹麦引发辩论。去年欧洲议会选举中得票领先的民粹主义反移民组织——丹麦人民党(Danish People’s Party)的一名议会候选人在Twitter上写道:“我认为左翼和支持伊斯兰长驱直入丹麦的其他人都应该被列为帮凶。”不久他就删除了这条推文并道歉。