
首页 > 英语阅读 > 双语新闻 > 《澳大利亚人报》澳大利亚最著名的漫画家受到抨击


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BBC News – A Bill Leak cartoon published in The Australian newspaper depicts an Aboriginal man who has forgotten his son's name. Indigenous groups said the cartoon was "ugly, insulting and embarrassing". But the paper's editor said the cartoon brought a "crucial issue" into the public domain.

BBC新闻 – 发表在《澳大利亚人报》上的比尔.利克的卡通画描绘了一个忘记儿子名字的男人。土著人团体说,卡通画“丑陋,侮辱人,令人难堪”。但该报编辑说,卡通画把一个“紧要问题”带入了公众领域。

In the cartoon, a police officer is shown bringing an Indigenous child to his father, saying: "You'll have to sit down and talk to your son about personal responsibility." The father, who is barefoot and holding a beer can, asks: "What's his name then?"


The cartoon comes in the wake of debate about the Northern Territory's juvenile justice system and high incarceration rates among Indigenous youth. It appears to be a response to comments from Indigenous leader Noel Pearson, who said that Aboriginal people needed to take more responsibility for the behaviour of their children.

这幅卡通画出现之前,刚刚发生过有关澳大利亚北方领地的少年司法制度和土著青年中高监禁率的辩论。卡通画似乎是对土著领袖诺埃尔.皮尔逊的评论作出的回应 – 皮尔逊说,土著人需要对他们孩子的行为负起更多责任。

The SNAICC, a non-governmental group for Indigenous children and families, called the cartoon "disgusting, disrespectful, and hurtful", adding: "Those involved in publishing such a clearly racist cartoon should be ashamed and should issue a public apology to all Australians."


The Australian newspaper typically takes a right-wing position on social affairs, favouring individual responsibility and free-market economics over government spending and intervention. But it dedicates substantial resources to Indigenous affairs.


The newspaper's editor-in-chief, Paul Whittaker, stood by the cartoon, saying too many people skirted around issues in Indigenous affairs. "Bill Leak's confronting and insightful cartoons force people to examine the core issues in a way that sometimes reporting and analysis can fail to do," he said in a statement.
