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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden came out of hiding to speak with a Chinese newspaper today, claiming that the U.S. is also using its recently revealed surveillance tactics against China.


According to an interview Snowden gave to the South China Morning Post, the U.S. government has preformed over 61,000 “hacking operations” in countries everywhere. He also believes hundreds of those missions targeted the Chinese mainland, as well as Hong Kong, where Snowden is currently hiding out.

He has been in hiding since releasing a slide deck to the Washington Post outlining a government surveillance program called PRISM. Snowden came out a few days later, saying he worked as a defense contractor for the NSA and had access to such information. After that, he disappeared, only resurfacing today to make these comments.

According to the slide deck he released, PRISM is a data collection program set up to collect information from a number of top tech companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and others.

Snowden explained to the SCMP that these individual company requests aren’t the only way the NSA gets data.

“We hack network backbones ―like huge internet routers, basically ―that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one,” he told the publication.

To those who criticize his choice to make a safe haven of Hong Kong, he explained that he intends to fight for his rights there, and that the Chinese city has a rich history of free speech efforts.

据美国科技网站VentureBeat 6月13日报道,美国国家安全局监控计划告密者爱德华▪斯诺登(Edward Snowden)现身接受一家中国报纸采访,声称美国也对中国使用了最近曝光的监控策略。

据《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)对斯诺登的采访,美国政府在全球进行了超过6.1万次的“黑客行动”。他还认为,其中有数百次任务是针对中国内地和斯诺登目前藏身的香港。

自从斯诺登向《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)公布了一套幻灯片,简要概述了美国政府名为"棱镜"(PRISM)监视计划以后,就消失不见了。几天后,斯诺登现身,称他是美国国家安全局的国防合同员工,并能访问这些信息。之后,他就消失了,直到今天出现并发表以上的言论。



