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A private delegation of Google executives and other U.S. leaders touring North Korea says it is urging Pyongyang to halt its weapons program and allow for expanded use of the Internet and cell phones.


Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who is leading the delegation, told the Associated Press on Wednesday the group has also been pushing for the fair treatment of a U.S. citizen detained in this communist country.

Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt arrived in Pyongyang on Monday for a four-day visit they have described as "humanitarian."

The U.S. State Department has criticized the trip, calling its timing "unhelpful."由谷歌高管和其他美国重要人士组成的私人代表团在访问朝鲜期间表示,他们敦促平壤停止其武器项目以及允许扩大其公民对互联网和手机的使用。


