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1. You Get To Hold Tiny Hands


Holding a new-born’s tiny hands is one of the best feelings in the world; so tiny and cute! And holding their hands never gets old, even when they get older and their hands are smeared with food and possibly snot.


2. You Receive Lots Of Hugs


Everyone loves a hug, and they are even better when they are from your niece or nephew. And the best part? Your nieces and nephews think you’re cool, so they are always happy to give you a hug. Score!


3. You Can Only Do The Fun Jobs


As an aunt or uncle, you don’t have many responsibilities with your nieces and nephews, which means you get to only do the fun jobs. Playing in the garden? Sure! Feeding the baby a bottle? No problem! Changing a dirty diaper? I’ll just pass this little bundle of joy back to it’s parents….


4. You Have An Excuse To Play


Being an adult can get pretty boring, but if you’re an aunt or uncle, you always have the option of kicking off yours shoes and forgetting about your worries while you play with your nieces and nephews. And let’s face it; deep down, you know you’re enjoying the new Lego Movie more than they are.


5. You Can Treat Your Nieces And Nephews


If a parent is always buying treats for their child, they could end up spoilt. However, you have a free pass to treat them to anything their little heart’s desire! Nothing makes you smile more than handing the children the sweets you bought for them – although you’re pretty sure their mom is giving you evils as you do it.


6. You Can Buy Any Gifts For Them


If you’re a parent, you don’t want to buy your children loud toys; you know they will keep you up all night, slowly driving you insane. But as an aunt or uncle? You only have to listen to the toy while you’re there, then you can go home to peace and solitude – which is exactly why you bought your nieces and nephews an electric drum kit.


7. You Get The Best Art For Your Home


Children draw pictures nearly every day; your siblings house is filled to the brim with their artwork. But as an aunt or uncle, you just get the cream of the crop – the pictures your nieces and nephews are extra proud of. You only had a few, but they get pride of place on your fridge for every guest to see.



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