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If Time Is Money, We’re Broke: How We Waste Hours on End


The first of my many, many time-wasting activities takes place each morning with repeated manipulations of the snooze button on my alarm clock, followed by a dilly-dallying shower and an untoward amount of time spent perusing the offerings of my closet. The snooze button alone gains me (according to my rudimentary math skills) roughly 106 more hours of sleep per year, which is great. But I’m also usually late for work and wearing an outfit that, despite the fifteen minutes I spent ruminating about it, is not really all that cute.
在众多浪费时间的活动中,每天早上我重复做的第一件事就是按下那该死的闹钟然后继续赖床。起床后,照常洗个早,然后便漫无目的地看着衣橱里的衣服。每天赖床的时间加起来(用我退化得差不多的计算水平算了下),一年大概多睡了106个小时,多得有点难以想象了 。但可笑的是,我依然迟到,而且尽管我出门前总会花15分钟左右去思索该穿怎样的套装,但最后出来的效果却不尽人意。

And that’s just the morning. If I add up all the time I spend doing one semi-useless thing or another, I’m sure I would be horrified that I have blithely let slip away precious hour upon precious hour of my one and only earthly life. Seize the day, indeed. I’m sure if I had spent that time more constructively, I would have cured cancer, written the great American novel, negotiated peace in the Middle East, and finally gotten caught up on reading my New Yorkers—or at least figured out how Lost will end. Alas, life is simply too full of tantalizing time-sucks.

The Closet Vortex

What girl doesn’t long for a Carrie Bradshaw–style closet, replete with the most fashionable offerings her budget will allow (and then some)? Such closets, and even smaller, simpler ones, are major culprits in terms of lost time. The average American woman spends sixty-one minutes contemplating her outfits during the course of a week. An hour, ladies. An hour. Just think of what you could accomplish if you got even half of those 3,172 minutes per year back. Where would the human race be if we were even slightly more decisive about what to wear?
女孩们并不渴望得到的像《欲望都市》里Carrie Bradshaw式的,被无数时尚衣服饰品装满的衣橱,而且她们能支付得起吗?像这种衣橱,或者说小点的,简单点的,是浪费时间的罪魁祸首。在美国,女性一周平均花51分钟在思忖“自己该穿什么”的问题上。乖乖,1个小时啊。试想一下,即使你仅仅用这一年你浪费的3172分钟一半的时间,你能完成多少有用的事情?试想一下,如果我们在穿衣服问题上更加犹豫不决的话,人类的明天会变成什么样子?

Fantasy Land

For the average person, daydreaming consumes 15 to 50 percent of each day. My aforementioned rudimentary math skills prevent me from breaking that down into actual hours and minutes, but even at the lower, 15–20 percent range, we’re still talking about a good chunk of our days’ being spent woolgathering—fantasizing about how we’d spend our imaginary lottery winnings, envisioning the moment when our boyfriends are finally going to pop the long-awaited question. Happily, some studies have suggested that daydreaming is actually a sign of creativity and intelligence, and many psychologists regard it as a healthy mental exercise, much like meditation, so it would seem to be a worthy undertaking. However, that doesn’t remove the necessity of greeting the grindstone for at least part of each day.
平常人一天大约有15%-50%花在做白日梦上。我前面提到我那差劲的计算能力阻止我将这些时间拆分成精确地小时和分钟,但甚至再低一些,在15%-20%的范围里,我们依然谈论着一天当中有一整块的时间都用来神游-----幻想着我们怎么用着想象的中彩票的奖金,展望我们的男朋友最后成为了名父亲。令人愉快的是,一些研究证明,做白日梦的确是富有创造力与智慧的表现,是许多心理学家把做白日梦当做是让心灵更加健康的锻炼,这和冥想很相似, 所以,这看上去是一向值得知性的任务。但是,这些都不能改变一个事实,那便是它的确占据了一天中一定的时间。Retail Therapy

It all seems harmless enough: making a quick stop for coffee on your way to the office; grabbing a bite at the salad place and perhaps running an errand at the pharmacy during your lunch hour; doing a little grocery shopping or making other necessary stops after work. Add all that up and mix it in with more discretionary retail outings, and that’s nearly six and half hours per week that the average woman spends buying stuff. (Unsurprisingly, men roll in at a lazy four hours weekly in the shopping category.) And that doesn’t even take into account the immeasurable hours we spend browsing and fondling and mulling over and justifying various buys; this is simply the time we spend making purchases at cash registers. I’ll not touch on the financial implications of this particular statistic—let’s just say it’s a miracle economic recovery is still described as sluggish.

The Idiot Box

Nothing drains our time reserves like the television. We’ve all been guilty of turning on the TV to catch the last quarter of the game or check to see who’s still on the island and who isn’t—and next thing you know, it’s 2 a.m. That seems like an extreme scenario—or maybe not, if you consider that the average American spends three hours a day watching TV. Twenty-four hours in a day have officially become twenty-one—I thought we needed more time, not less.

Something to Cry About

You may not have shed many tears in the last few days, but on average, women over the age of nineteen cry for two hours a week. What sets us off? Just about anything, apparently—without even taking into account the usual hormonal fluctuations that often cause us to weep if we look at a puppy from the right angle. The top causes of tearful female outbursts are weepy movies, relationship worries, breaking up, and the death of a loved one—and, of course, plain and simple exhaustion can weaken our tear ducts’ strongholds.

Between the TV, Facebook, deciding what to wear, shopping, daydreaming, and weeping, it’s a wonder we get anything done at all. My rudimentary math skills suggest that the average American woman spends roughly 3,311 hours each year indulging in all of these activities at least to some extent. There are 8,766 hours in a year. That means that almost half our time is “wasted,” sucked into the vortex of our modern world and all of its tempting distractions. Or you could just call it “living.” Tomato, tomahto.



  • 1破产一周年 其他城市能从底特律的破产中学到什么
  • 2时间就是金钱的名言
  • 3编导是彻底的金庸迷
  • 4每日一句口语 第2411期:如果你热爱生活就不要浪费时间,因为时间是生活的组成部分
  • 5名人名言时间就是金钱
  • 6初中如何利用时间的读后感:时间就是金钱
  • 7英语每日一说:完美是无法触及的,但如果我们追求完美,我们就可以做到卓越。——文斯·隆巴迪
  • 8突破面试口语(21):如果你有无限的时间和经济来源
  • 9英语笑话:时间就是金钱Time Money
  • 10研究表明高科技产品让我们觉得时间变快了
  • 11苹果:我们的天价屏幕只能用我们卖的布来擦,掉了就再买
  • 12韩语每日一句:如果觉得困难,那么请回头看看初心;如果要成功,就去看看结果。
  • 13韩语每日一说:即使能挣很多钱,但是如果不适合我,那我无法一直工作下去。
  • 14时光就是金钱600字
  • 15英语笑话:时间就是金钱Time Money大纲
  • 16日语每日一说:如果是那样,那你早就死了。
  • 17韩语每日一句:人生是瞬间的连续,如果每一个瞬间都全力以赴那么就是成功。
  • 18每日一句泰语:时间不会帮我们遗忘过去 它只是教会我们如何与过去相处
  • 19韩语每日一说:如果觉得困难,那么请回头看看初心;如果要成功,就去看看结果。
  • 20韩语每日一说:人生是瞬间的连续,如果每一个瞬间都全力以赴那么就是成功。