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如何打发雨天的日子 How to Spend the Rainy Days

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For most people, they don’t like the rainy days, because they can do nothing but staying at home all the time. I used to hating the rainy days, but I start to find a way to spend these days, I can also enjoy the great time. The rainy hours go so far for me.

如何打发雨天的日子 How to Spend the Rainy Days
When the rainy days come, I will ask my friend to go out with me, we will go to a coffee shop and then sit down, taking the drink. The interesting thing is besides talking to my friends with their daily life, I will be just watching people walking by. I like to read people’s face expression, though of course it will be totally right for me. It just likes I am in the movie, imitating the protagonist to sit down here. It is so romantic for me.

The second thing I will do is to watch movie. I will not go to the theater, because the rain will drop on me and make me wet, so I will download some films on my computer and then watch it. The time to watch movie makes the time flies, when I finish a movie, the rain always stops.

I am so happy I can enjoy myself in the rainy days.


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