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这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第334期:薄熙来案在济南开庭审理

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这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第334期:薄熙来案在济南开庭审理



BEIJING - Bo Xilai, former Communist Party of China chief of Chongqing Municipality, stood trial in open court Thursday on charges of taking bribes, embezzlement and abuse of power at the Jinan Intermediate People's Court in East China's Shandong province.


stand trial in open court是公开受审;on charges of是被控……罪名。
公开审理还可以用to be heard in public/open court来表达。
7月25日,薄熙来案由山东省济南市人民检察院(Jinan People's Procuratorate)向济南市中级人民法院提起公诉(public prosecution)。
起诉书(indictment)指控,被告人薄熙来利用其职务上的便利(take the advantage of his position),为他人谋取利益(seek gains for others),收受贿赂(accept bribes),贪污公款(embezzle public money),严重损害了国家和人民的利益(seriously harm the interests of the state and people)。依法应当以受贿罪(take bribes)、贪污罪(embezzlement)、滥用职权罪(abuse of power)追究刑事责任(criminal responsibility),并予以数罪并罚(joinder of punishment for plural crimes)。
2012年9月,因薄熙来涉嫌严重违纪(serious discipline violations),中共中央政治局会议决定给予薄熙来开除党籍、开除公职处分(expel Bo from the CPC and his public office),对其涉嫌犯罪问题及犯罪问题线索移送(transfer to)司法机关(judicial organs)依法处理。
