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You can meet a partner at any stage of life, says Mariella Frostrup. But to hold onto someone, you need to deal with your insecurities first.

玛丽拉·弗勒斯楚普(Mariella Frostrup)说:人生的任一阶段,你都可能遇到自己的另一半。但和某人长相厮守之前,你需要消除内心的不安全感。

I am a 40-year-old single woman. I have had a number of short relationships, but only three lasting more than a year and my longest was three years. I was recently dumped after a few months and it has greatly impacted my self-esteem. One issue was his long stretches of non-communication (four-day periods of non-response). Having experienced childhood abandonment (which I told him about), I could not accept this.


Do I have to be perfect and ask for nothing to find a partner? Are my communication needs really too much? I am positive and celebrate others and their happiness. But if loneliness is my fate, how do I learn to be OK with it? I have begun planning for a life alone. I've bought an apartment and contributed to a retirement plan. I have accepted I will never be a mother. Yet, I am ashamed of how much the lack of a partner still saddens me.


Mariella replies


At last a subject I'm qualified in. First, be careful what you wish for. I know plenty of women in the opposite situation who'd be delighted to find themselves unfettered again. I was just a year younger than you when, at 39, after a similar dating history, I met my now husband and went on to have two children in my early 40s. It's information I offer you to assuage the cloud of impending doom that you're currently engulfed by.



Meeting a partner with whom your future collides, can and does happen at any age. While it's worth making contingency plans for what might be irrevocably lost in the interim (fertility being an example). You are "chronically" single only in so far as you are recurrently so. You're definitely a catastrophist, though! Buying your own apartment and investing in your retirement shouldn't be deemed acts of desperation, but sensible investments towards your own security and comfort. Hooking up with a fellow human doesn't normally have an impact on securing your finances, unless you marry a millionaire.



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