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Which is the bigger circle?


You may have encountered the Ebbinghaus illusion before when learning about relative size perception. Named after the man who discovered it, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, the illusion itself became very popular at the start of the last century.


But why aren't children tricked by it?


A recent study done by Martin Doherty, from the University of Stirling's Department of Psychology revealed the results.


The experiment use one hundred and fifty-one children between the ages of four and ten, and 24 adults between the ages of 18 and 25.


They were shown images very similar to the ones above, with a two to 18 per cent size difference.


When asked if they were the same size, the children demonstrated an ability to discern the sizes of the circles, in spite of the confusing 'context' (i.e. being surrounded by other circles of different sizes).


Adults were tricked by misleading context, but children under the age of seven nearly always correctly identified the size of the orange circle .


It is thought this is because adults' brains take into account the visual context - so, in the instance of the Ebbinghaus illusion, shapes surrounding other shapes. But in children, it takes time for them to develop this ability which ultimately makes them better at this illusion than us, as they the shapes and their sizes for what they are.



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