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Vietnam will on Monday begin the trial of 22 former top officials including Dinh La Thang, a former member of its ruling Communist party’s politburo, as part of a sweeping and politically charged crackdown on alleged corruption in energy and banking.

越南将于周一开始审判22名前高级官员,其中包括前越南共产党中央政治局委员丁罗升(Dinh La Thang,文首图左)。此次审判是对能源及银行业中据称存在的腐败行为展开的全面政治性整顿的组成部分。

Mr Dinh, who is 57, will appear in court on Monday on charges of economic mismanagement in connection with his former role as chairman of PetroVietnam, the country’s largest state-owned company by revenue.


The former ruling party official was arrested on December 8 after Vietnam’s national assembly stripped him of his lawmaker status and immunity from prosecution, and he will be the highest-ranking state official to face criminal charges in decades. Formerly a rising political star, Mr Dinh was also sacked as the top Communist party leader in Ho Chi Minh City. His brother Dinh Manh Thang was arrested the following day.

这位前执政党官员在被越南国会剥夺立法者身份及检控豁免权后,于去年12月8日被捕,他也将成为几十年来面临刑事指控的最高级别政府官员。丁罗升还被解除了胡志明市最高共产党领导人的职务,此前他曾是一位冉冉升起的政治新星。他的弟弟丁孟胜(Dinh Manh Thang)也于次日被捕。

Vietnamese officials are investigating alleged fraud involving PetroVietnam and Ocean Bank, a major private bank in which the oil and gas group bought a stake during an acquisition spree by state-owned Vietnamese groups. The stake was later written off in 2015 when the central bank took over the bank to prevent its collapse.

越南官员正在调查涉及越国油和海洋商业银行(Ocean Bank)的欺诈行为。海洋商业银行是一家大型私人银行,在越南国有集团掀起收购狂潮期间,越国油购买了这家银行的股份。2015年越南央行为防止海洋商业银行破产对其进行接管,这笔股权也随之注销。

According to Vietnamese state-controlled media, Mr Dinh is accused of investing 800bn Vietnamese dong ($35m) of PetroVietnam’s money in Ocean Bank without having appraised the deal properly and will face charges of “deliberate violation of state regulations on economic management, causing serious consequences”. The charges could bring the former official up to 20 years in jail.


Among the other officials standing trial is Trinh Xuan Thanh, a former head of PetroVietnam’s construction arm. Germany accuses Vietnam of abducting him and spiriting him out of the country in a case that caused a diplomatic furore.

其他行将受审的官员还有越国油建筑业务公司前负责人郑春青(Trinh Xuan Thanh)。德国指控越南在德国境内绑架郑春青并将其偷带出境,此事曾造成外交风波。

Mr Trinh, who had been seeking asylum in Germany, turned himself into police in Hanoi last August after an international manhunt. He said he had returned to Vietnam voluntarily, but eyewitnesses reported seeing him being bundled into a car in Berlin’s Tiergarten park, and Germany’s government said that he was kidnapped with the involvement of Vietnam’s embassy in Berlin. Germany expelled Vietnam’s intelligence agency station chief in Berlin in response.

在遭遇一场跨国追捕后,郑春青去年8月在河内向警方自首,此前他一直在德国寻求庇护。他表示他是自愿回到越南的,但不只一名目击者表示看到他在柏林蒂尔加滕公园(Tiergarten park)被强行塞进一辆汽车里,德国政府也表示郑春青是在越南驻柏林大使馆的介入下被绑架的,为此德国驱逐了越南情报机构驻柏林负责人。

Neither Mr Dinh nor the other officials facing trial could be immediately reached by the Financial Times for comment.


Vietnam’s Communist leadership, under general secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, has been cracking down on the corruption that has allowed some officials to amass large-scale personal wealth and fomented resentment among many ordinary Vietnamese.

越共领导层在总书记阮富仲(Nguyen Phu Trong)的带领下一直在打击腐败——部分官员通过贪腐积敛了大量个人财富,激起许多越南民众的不满。


PetroVietnam has been the main target of their anti-graft efforts. Nguyen Xuan Son, a former Ocean Bank chief executive and ex-chairman of PetroVietnam, was sentenced to death in September after being found guilty of corruption.

越国油一直是他们反腐工作的主要目标。曾担任海洋商业银行总经理、越国油董事长的阮春山(Nguyen Xuan Son)于去年9月以贪污罪被判处死刑。

Observers in Vietnam have linked the anti-graft crackdown to a struggle for power and legitimacy in the Communist-ruled nation, but some said that the crackdown could rattle companies doing business there.


“This will worry investors,” said Nguyen Phuong Linh, a Singapore-based analyst with Control Risks, the consultancy. “Vietnam used to be the most politically stable country in south-east Asia, but this could create a higher perception of risk.”

咨询公司Control Risks驻新加坡分析师Nguyen Phuong Linh表示:“这将引起投资者的担忧。越南曾是东南亚政局最稳定的国家,但该行动可能会让更多人关注起风险。”