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埃及航空一架客机遭劫持 Hijacked EgyptAir flight lands in Cyprus

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An EgyptAir flight from Alexandria to Cairo was hijacked and forced to fly to Cyprus where it landed at the island’s main commercial airport, at Larnaca.

埃及航空一架客机遭劫持 Hijacked EgyptAir flight lands in Cyprus


The Egyptian aviation ministry said Omar al Gamal, the pilot of the diverted flight, said there was a threat from an individual who said he was wearing an explosive belt. “Negotiations with the hijacker resulted in the release of all passengers except the crew, who number seven, and four foreign passengers,” the ministry said in a statement.

埃及航空部表示,这架偏离航线的航班上的飞行员奥马尔•贾迈勒(Omar al Gamal)称,航班受到了一个人的威胁,此人自称系了一条有炸药的腰带。该部在一份声明中表示:“通过与劫机者谈判,除了7名机组人员及4名外国乘客外,所有乘客都已获释。”

Egypt named the hijacker as Ibrahim Samaha, an Egyptian national. According to a senior Cypriot official, he requested to speak directly to a Cypriot woman who is believed to be his estranged wife.

埃及方面称,劫机者名叫易卜拉欣•萨马哈(Ibrahim Samaha),是一名埃及公民。根据一位塞浦路斯高官的说法,劫机者请求与一名塞浦路斯女子直接对话,该女子据信为其已分居的妻子。

“It is not something which has to do with terrorism,” Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades told reporters from Nicosia.

塞浦路斯总统尼科斯•阿纳斯塔夏季斯(Nicos Anastasiades)在尼科西亚向记者们表示:“这事不一定与恐怖主义有关。”

According to Egypt’s foreign ministry, there were 55 passengers on board the Airbus A320.

根据埃及航空部的说法,这架空客A320 (Airbus A320)上有55名乘客。

A senior Cypriot official said the hijackers had allowed all women and children of Egyptian origin to leave the aircraft shortly after landing.


President Anastasiades discussed the hijacking with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi by telephone in the presence of European Parliament president Martin Shultz, who is paying an official visit to the island.

阿纳斯塔夏季斯通过电话与埃及总统阿卜杜勒•法塔赫•塞西讨论了此次劫机事件。阿纳斯塔夏季斯与塞西通电话时,正对塞浦路斯展开正式访问的欧洲议会(European Parliament)主席马丁•舒尔茨(Martin Shultz)也在场。


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