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London — Four days after a decisive vote to leave the European Union, Britain was consumed on Monday with questions of when and how the country’s departure from the bloc will happen — and increasingly, of whether it will happen at all.



The immediate outcome of Thursday’s referendum was not the promised clarity but an epic political muddle and a policy vacuum that invited more confusion and turmoil throughout the day in Britain, on the Continent and in the financial markets.


Leaders on both sides of the Channel said there was no viable option but to move gradually toward the withdrawal process. Yet the day’s developments did little to dispel the possibility that the crisis could drag on for a long time, possibly generating enough economic and political damage to encourage negotiation of a new arrangement between Europe and Britain that would sidestep the need for a formal withdrawal or at least minimize its effects.


Prime Minister David Cameron and leaders of the campaign to leave the bloc stuck to their positions that they would not move quickly to trigger formal talks on withdrawal, even as European leaders turned up the pressure on Britain to get on with it.

尽管欧盟领导人开始对英国施压,想让他们行动起来,但英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)和脱欧运动的领导人都坚持自己的立场,宣称他们不会迅速采取行动,触发正式的脱欧会谈。

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany met in Berlin late Monday with her French and Italian counterparts. She signaled that any decision on how to negotiate a withdrawal would have to await a meeting of all 28 EU countries on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels.

周一晚间,德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)在柏林与法国和意大利同行会面。她表示,关于英国脱欧谈判的任何决定,都要等到欧盟全部28个成员国于周二和周三在布鲁塞尔召开会议时做出。

The financial markets continued to pummel stocks and the value of the British pound, at one point sending the currency to its lowest level against the dollar in more than three decades. And Standard & Poor’s, the ratings agency, downgraded Britain’s credit rating, reflecting concern about the economic implications of the so-called Brexit vote.

在金融市场上,股票和英镑继续下挫,一度跌到30年来英镑对美元汇率的最低水平。评级机构标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s)也下调了英国的信用评级,显示了对脱欧公投结果带来的经济影响的担心。

Cameron has announced that he will step down, and both his governing Conservative Party and the opposition Labour Party were consumed by internal warfare on Monday, leaving the country lacking strong leadership as it confronted new demands for a referendum on independence for Scotland.

卡梅伦宣布他将辞职。他所在的执政党保守党(Conservative Party)和反对党工党(Labour Party)周一都陷入了内部争论,导致该国在面临苏格兰再次要求独立公投的时候,缺乏强有力的领导力。

Leaders of the Leave campaign, including Boris Johnson, the former London mayor who is now a leading candidate to succeed Cameron, notably modulated their tone and some of their positions on Europe, leaving unclear exactly what issues they want to address through a withdrawal.

脱欧运动的领导者,包括伦敦前市长、呼声最高的卡梅伦继任候选人之一鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在内,明显调整了他们的语气和对欧洲的部分立场,导致大家不清楚他们到底想通过脱欧来解决什么问题。

In the first meeting of Parliament since the referendum, Cameron said he considered the vote binding, though he reiterated that he would leave to his successor the decision to trigger the formal withdrawal process. “The decision must be accepted and the process of implementing the decision in the best possible way must now begin,” he said.


About three-quarters of lawmakers had supported remaining in the EU. A senior Conservative lawmaker, Kenneth Clarke, suggested that Parliament could override the referendum — which is not, in the end, legally binding on the government — while a Labour legislator, David Lammy, called for a second referendum.

大约四分之三的议员支持留在欧盟。资深保守党议员肯尼斯·克拉克(Kenneth Clarke)认为议会可以推翻公投结果——终究来说,公投对政府不具有法律约束力——而工党议员戴维·拉米(David Lammy)呼吁进行第二次公决。

Cameron brushed such ideas aside, but he also made it clear that he would not be the one in charge of Britain’s messy divorce from Europe.


The man who might be, Johnson, sought to calm nerves and markets with his first extensive remarks on the way forward, setting out a position that seemed to de-emphasize elements of what the Leave campaign had promised.


He suggested that Britain should take its time before entering separation proceedings with Brussels, and he gave no details about when he would want to start the process. And the vision he sketched out — of a Britain that is still in a trading bloc with Europe — seemed at best difficult to achieve, since the price of membership in the single market has always been the two things the Leave movement explicitly campaigned against: free movement of European citizens across borders and contributions to the bloc’s operating budget.


Cameron also suggested that the best outcome for Britain now would be a deal in which it retained access to the single market.


But there were no signs that European leaders would let Britain off the hook so easily. Although Merkel has signaled a desire not to rush the process of negotiating British withdrawal, most European governments are eager to take a tough line, wanting to make clear to any other nation that might contemplate leaving that there is considerable cost to doing so.


The few countries that have been given access to the European free-trade zone without joining the EU — notably, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland — all contribute to the blocs budget and accept the its bedrock principle of free movement of workers, the very issues that angered so many of the Britons who voted to leave.


Meeting in Berlin, Merkel, President François Hollande of France and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy said there would be no discussions, formal or informal, over Britain’s withdrawal until it formally invokes Article 50, the provision in the bloc’s governing treaty that sets out the process for a withdrawal.

在柏林会面时,默克尔、法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(François Hollande)和意大利总理马泰奥·伦齐(Matteo Renzi)表示,不会就英国的退出进行正式或非正式的讨论,除非英国正式启用规范欧盟事务的条约中的第50条。该条款规定了退出欧盟的程序。

European leaders are troubled by the prospect of a drawn-out exit inducing deeper financial and economic turmoil, a concern increasingly prevalent in London as well. On Monday morning, George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, tried to calm the markets, citing Britain’s underlying economic strengths, the greater resilience of its financial system after the 2007-08 crisis, and the readiness of the Bank of England to step in.

欧洲领导人担心,漫长的退出过程可能会引发更深层次的金融和经济动荡。在伦敦,对这个问题的担忧也日益普遍。周一上午,英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)试图稳定市场情绪,提到了英国内在的经济实力,称英国金融体系在经历2007至2008年的危机时相对坚韧,并且英格兰银行(Bank of England)已准备好介入。

Markets plunged anyway.


Alex Salmond, a member of Parliament and a former leader of the Scottish National Party, blamed the British government for the political vacuum, saying that neither Cameron nor Johnson had taken ownership of the mess. “If you break it, you own it,” he said.

下院议员、苏格兰民族党(Scottish National Party)前领导人亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)指责是英国政府造成了政治真空,称卡梅伦和约翰逊均未能为当下的混乱局面负责。“如果你打破它,就得负责,”他说。

Cameron summoned his Cabinet and announced the creation of a policy unit of the “best and brightest” civil servants — overseen by Oliver Letwin, a Conservative lawmaker — to orchestrate the withdrawal process. He also said he had met with Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland to ensure that a British departure from the EU, of which Ireland is a member, would not endanger the fragile peace in Northern Ireland.

卡梅伦召开内阁会议,宣布成立了一个由“最优秀和最明智”的公职人员组成的政策小组——由保守党议员奥利弗·莱特文(Oliver Letwin)担任组长——安排退出进程。他还表示自己已同欧盟成员国爱尔兰的总理恩达·肯尼(Enda Kenny)举行了会晤,确保英国退出欧盟不会危及北爱尔兰脆弱的和平。

A committee of rank-and-file Conservative lawmakers met on Monday and proposed a timetable to select two candidates for party leader. The party’s roughly 150,000 members would choose between the two, with the goal of selecting a new leader — and therefore a new prime minister — by Sept. 2.


A decision on the timetable is expected by Wednesday, amid increased speculation that Britain could have a general election this year, after giving the Conservatives a five-year term in May 2015.


Johnson is seen as the front-runner to replace Cameron as leader of the Conservatives, but he has made many enemies. The home secretary, Theresa May, who is in charge of domestic security and who advocated remaining in the EU, has emerged as perhaps the most credible alternative.

约翰逊被认为是取代卡梅伦担任保守党领袖的热门人选,但他树敌无数。其他人选中,负责国内安全事务并主张留在欧盟的内政大臣特丽莎·梅(Theresa May)的可能性或许是最大的。