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padding-bottom: 100%;">爱说英语第209期:听到祖国时你第一想到的是什么?

Answer the following questions about the video.

1) The first thing that comes to mind is his ______ .

a) mother

b) friend

2) He also thinks of ______ .

a) food

b) Africa

3) David also mentions _________ .

a) his birth

b) moving overseas


Topic:When you hear motherland what comes to mind?

Vitalis: This is Vitalis from Uganda

David: And my name is David from Kenya.

Vitalis: David, what comes to your mind, when you hear of 'motherland'?

David: A lot comes into my mind. The first thing is where I was born and it reminds me of who gave birth to me. That's my mom who I really love, and the third things that comes into my mind when I hear about motherland is Africa. For me, I'm an African. That's my roots and that's what I relate to so when I hear motherland that's the first, that's one of things that comes to mind. Yeah, I'm proud to be an African.


a b a


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