
首页 > 口语英语 > 实用生活英语口语 > 美语情景对话 第1267期:When you hear motherland what comes to mind? 在听到祖国这个词时你会想到什么

美语情景对话 第1267期:When you hear motherland what comes to mind? 在听到祖国这个词时你会想到什么

推荐人: 来源: 阅读: 2.81W 次

Vitalis: This is Vitalis from Uganda.


David: And my name is David from Kenya.


Vitalis: David, what comes to your mind, when you hear of 'motherland'?


David: A lot comes into my mind. The first thing is where I was born and it reminds me of who gave birth to me. That's my mom who I really love, and the third things that comes into my mind when I hear about motherland is Africa. For me, I'm an African. That's my roots and that's what I relate to so when I hear motherland that's the first, that's one of things that comes to mind. Yeah, I'm proud to be an African.


美语情景对话 第1267期:When you hear motherland what comes to mind? 在听到祖国这个词时你会想到什么


1. hear of 听见;听到;
例句:I can't help laughing when I hear of it.
2. come to mind 突然想起;(想法)一下子冒出来;
例句:Furniture and flooring usually come to mind when we think of ways to use bamboo.
3. remind sb. of sth. 使想起;使记起;提醒;
例句:This reminds me of Christmas parties.
4. give birth to 生(孩子);分娩;生育;
例句:And mothers who were exposed to unusually high levels of stress during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a left-handed child.


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  • 2美语情景对话 第1278期:When is the first time you fell in love? 你的初恋在什么时候?
  • 3美语情景对话 第1209期:What is your best memory of high school? 高中时代最美好的记忆
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  • 5美语情景对话 第1319期:What do you do first thing in the morning? 你早上做的第一件事是什么?
  • 6美语情景对话 第1270期:Would you rather be a student or a teacher? 你喜欢做学生还是当老师?
  • 7美语情景对话 第1317期:Would you rather work for a large or small company?
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  • 9美语情景对话 第1299期:Have you ever went camping in the wild? 你在野外露营过吗?
  • 10美语情景对话 第1280期:How many times do you exercise a week? 你每周锻炼几次?
  • 11美语情景对话 第1259期:What are some chores you hate doing? 讨厌做的家务
  • 12美语情景对话 第1284期:What animals are dangerous in your country? 在你的国家什么动物比较危险?
  • 13美语情景对话 第1367期:Are you good with children? 你和孩子相处的好吗?
  • 14美语情景对话 第1326期:What's an interesting thing in your country? 你的祖国有什么有意思的事情?
  • 15美语情景对话 第1198期:What is good about your hometown? 你家乡的优势是什么
  • 推荐阅读

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