
首页 > 口语英语 > 实用生活英语口语 > 美语情景对话 第1270期:Would you rather be a student or a teacher? 你喜欢做学生还是当老师?

美语情景对话 第1270期:Would you rather be a student or a teacher? 你喜欢做学生还是当老师?

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George: Hello, I'm George from Hawaii.


Crystal: And I'm Crystal from America.


George: And today's question is: would you rather be a student or a teacher? So Crystal?


Crystal: George?


George: Crystal, would you rather be a student or a teacher?


Crystal: I would rather be a student rather than a teacher.


George: Why?


Crystal: Because I think being a student is more fun rather than being a teacher such as ... examples as in classes if you're a student you can have the right to go to class or skip but if you're a teacher you have the responsibility to teach so you have to go to class.


George: OK, that makes sense.


Crystal: What about you George?


George: Well, I've done some teaching, yeah.


Crystal: Oh, yeah.


George: It is stressful, yeah. Being in charge of students knowledge and what not. It's way too stressful and way too much pressure. Way too much pressure. I can't handle that.


Crystal: But then sometimes I would like to be in charge.


George: Oh, that would be pretty sweet, yeah!


Crystal: I always wanted to throw those little chalks at their heads. Ugh!


George: Can you do that?


Crystal: I don't know. You can ....


George: I don't have chalk in my classroom. It's all markers. Next time I'm gonna try to throw a marker.


Crystal: Ah, I like that.


美语情景对话 第1270期:Would you rather be a student or a teacher? 你喜欢做学生还是当老师?


1. make sense 可以理解;讲得通;
例句:To me, this all just seems to make sense and I think it's readable.
2. in charge of 主管;全面负责;统领;
例句:He's in charge of the hospital.
3. and what not 等等;诸如此类;
例句:Children love to have toys, pictures and what not.


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