
首页 > 口语英语 > 实用生活英语口语 > 美语情景对话 第1300期:What is the worst job you have had? 你做过的最糟糕的工作是什么?

美语情景对话 第1300期:What is the worst job you have had? 你做过的最糟糕的工作是什么?

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Paul: Hi, this is Paul from South Korea.


Hanna: And I'm Hanna from Australia.


Paul: So Hanna have you ever had the worst experience working?


Hanna: A really bad experience working? Yes, actually. I had a three day job once. I was a telemarketer, and for those people who haven't heard of that kind of job before, basically, you ring up a lot of people at dinner time, and try to sell them something, and hassle them, so yeah, after three days, I quit because I couldn't stand ringing people up anymore.


Paul: That sounds awful.


Hanna: Yeah, it was horrible.


Paul: My worst? I wouldn't say the worst, but I was once a cleaner. I was in the dormitory and I had to wake up at six in the morning to clean up and pick up all the trash on the floor. It was sooooo ... it was a nightmare. At six in the morning.


Hanna: That's pretty early.


Paul: It is.


美语情景对话 第1300期:What is the worst job you have had? 你做过的最糟糕的工作是什么?


1. ring up 给…打电话;
例句:You can ring us up anytime.
2. wake up 醒;醒来;
例句:They found that, on average, people wake up in a good mood, which falls away over the course of the day.
3. clean up 打扫;清扫;把…弄干净;
例句:The children help clean up the kitchen.
4. pick up 拿起;提起;拾起;捡起;
例句:They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.


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