
首页 > 口语英语 > 实用生活英语口语 > 美语情景对话 第1260期:What is your favorite cuisine? 最爱的美食

美语情景对话 第1260期:What is your favorite cuisine? 最爱的美食

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Tom: Hi, this is Tom.


Jess: And my name is Jess. I'm from the UK.


Tom: Now, the UK is not famous for food but you've travelled a lot. What's your favorite cuisine?


Jess: Ooh, I think my favorite cuisine would be Spanish tapas. I absolutely love it because I'm not the kind of girl who like to eat a big meal. I like to pick at lots of different little things, so for me tapas is perfect - a little bit of everything. I know you've travelled a lot Tom. How about you? What's your favorite cuisine?


Tom: I like tapas for the strong flavors, but spicy food really gets me: food in Thailand and in India, that strong ... and also sour flavors of lime and lemon grass. Give me a spicy soup and that hot food and I'm in heaven.


Jess: Sounds delicious. I'm getting hungry now.


美语情景对话 第1260期:What is your favorite cuisine? 最爱的美食


1. be famous for 著名的;有名的;
例句:New Orleans is famous for its cuisine.
2. like to do sth. 愿意,希望;
例句:Some people sleep better in a clean and neat environment, so they like to straighten and clean their room just before going to bed.
3. pick at 少量地吃;吃一点点;
例句:Sarah picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but she wasn't really hungry.


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