
首页 > 口语英语 > 实用生活英语口语 > 美语情景对话 第1285期:What is being threatened in your country? 在你的国家什么正在遭受威胁?

美语情景对话 第1285期:What is being threatened in your country? 在你的国家什么正在遭受威胁?

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Jingwei: Hi, I'm Jingwei.


Joseph: I'm Joseph.


Jingwei: We're from Singapore. The question today is what is being threatened in our country?


Joseph: I assume this refers to animals, and as of now I really can't think of any. The Singapore is doing a pretty good job, but in the past...


Jingwei: We had tigers ...


Joseph: But they're all gone now, except for at the zoo. We had quite a few species of snakes like grass snakes, but we don't see them around much now. Hopefully, some household pests like cockroaches, ants, maybe they'll be extinct soon. Then we could all have a more comfortable and less fearful lives. Any animals that you wanna see be threatened?


Jingwei: What?


Joseph: I don't know.


Jingwei: That's not politically correct.


Joseph: Yeah, but I'm not a big fan of all animals. Dogs and cats, they're still alright but the big ones are scary ones.


Jingwei: I think some bats, and some birds and some insects are being threatened in Singapore. But we don't hear much about them.


Joseph: So I guess they are still doing fine.


美语情景对话 第1285期:What is being threatened in your country? 在你的国家什么正在遭受威胁?


1. refer to 谈到;指;
例句:Asked at the time about his use of the term "young boys" , Mitterrand said he called all men "boys" and it did not refer to minors.
2. as of 在…时;从…起;自…始;
例句:As of this afternoon, the festival site appeared to be up and running once again.
3. except for 除了;除…之外;唯有;
例句:Everyone was late, except for Richard.
4. quite a few 相当多;
例句:I can cite quite a few instances to illustrate.



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