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因为无法劝阻肖恩追踪信号来源,肖恩的继父汉克(道恩·强森饰演)只能陪着他一起踏上这段南太平洋之行。而他们最终的目的地,是一座没几个活人亲眼见过的岛屿。那里风光旎丽,鸟语花香;珍禽异兽,应有尽有;金山火山,叹为观止;是座无奇不有的神秘天堂。 他们俩只找到一个,愿意跟他们铤而走险的直升机驾驶员,嘎巴托(路易斯·古兹曼饰演),和他美丽,坚强的女儿凯兰尼(凡妮莎·哈金斯饰演),四人一起踏上了这段寻岛之旅。选段中,Sean费劲心思想搭讪Kailani,但是人家根本不想理睬他,这时候他的继父告诉他如何吸引女孩子……


Sean: Hey, how's it going?

Kailani: Well, apart from you stranding us on this stupid island, just fine.

Sean: Good. Good. So, hey, I was thinking, you know, sometime we could hang out or you wanted to.

Kailani: I have a feeling that your idea of fun and my idea of fun are two very different things.

Sean: I don't know. What do you like doing on the weekends?

Kailani: Collect and label mollusks.

Sean: No way! Me too. I'm way into mollusks.

Kailani: Really?

Sean: Yeah.

Kailani: Well, which one's your favorite?  Mine's the Mxyzptlk snail.

Sean: You're not gonna believe me, but that's my favorite too.

Kailani: I just made that up. Mxyzptlk isn't a snail. It's one of Superman's archenemies.

Hank: Way to slay the heart.

Sean: Whatever.

Hank: Getting the attention of a one of the hardest things to do.

Sean: All right. So, what do I do, Casanova?

Hank: I been waiting a long time to have this talk with you, buddy. There are three things you to know about understanding girls. Number One: Don't follow your instincts. Any other area in incts will get you there. Not with women. So whatever you think you should do, do the opposite. Number Two: You need to be open, sensitive. Women don't want a man just because he's big and strong and has abs like mine. No. They want a thinker, they want a feeler.  They want someone who can understand them. Women want a man who is in touch with his most inner emotions. And the third thing is the most important of all. It's something that women have responded to for thousands of years.

Sean: Well, tell me.

Hank: You have got to do this.

Sean: What is that?

Hank: That is the pec pop of love.  Now go on and throw a berry.

Sean: No.

Hank: Go on and throw a berry. There's some behind you. Grab one and throw it. Don't be afraid, they're not gonna bite. Boom. Go ahead, grab a bunch. Rapid-fire, now.

Sean: I'm not doing rapid-fire.

Hank: They will not stop until you feed them.

Sean: Feed them? No.

Hank: Feed them, they're hungry.

Gabato: I'll feed them.

Hank: Attaboy. Come and get some.

Gabato: Okay, you ready? Ready? Here we go. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

Sean: Stop.

Gabato: Ready? This one's special.

Hank: Make this one count.

Gabato: Mmm. No way, that's awesome.

Sean: Stop encouraging him.

Gabato: It's a gift.

Hank: It is a gift. 

Gabato: He has a gift.

Hank: Sean, it works every time.


1. apart from

他们掉到了神秘岛,一切的一切都是这么的神奇。Sean费劲心思搭讪Kailani:“嘿 感觉怎样?”Kailani根本不想搭理他,反讽道:“呃,除了被你害得来到这破岛上之外好极了。”“apart from”意为“除此之外(表示除…以外别无)”;“除去”;“撇开……来说(表示除……以外尚有)”。

2. hang out

Sean尝试约Kailani:“其实,我一直在想你知道,也许我们可以一起出去玩玩或什么的……如果你愿意的话。”Kailani直接地拒绝了她:“我觉得我们的兴趣爱好完全就不一致。”“hang out”意为“出去逛逛”,“出去溜溜”。

3. do the opposite

Hank看到被拒绝的Sean,安慰他说:“要想了解女孩你首先得知道三件事。第一:绝不相信直觉。生活中直觉能带你去其它任何地方,但这招对女人不管用,所以不管你想做什么,反其道而行之。”“do the opposite”意为“反其道而行之”“相反地”。

4. be in touch with

Hank继续说道:“第二:你需要变得更加热情、敏感。女人们才不会因为你高大强壮并有跟我一样的腹肌就会喜欢上你。他们喜欢思考者,喜欢感受者,她们喜欢能懂她们的人。女人们喜欢能用内心最深处的情感与之交流的男人”。“be in touch with”意为“有联系”,“有关系”,“交流”。