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美语情景对话 第1245期:How did you learn English? 如何学习英语

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Ayumi: Hello, I'm Ayumi from Brazil.

美语情景对话 第1245期:How did you learn English? 如何学习英语

Katya: And I'm Katya from Bulgaria.


Ayumi: Today's question is is it easier to be friends with men or women? How is it for you Katya?


Katya: I don't know. I think it's both. I can't decide which one is easier because I think sometimes I need my girlfriends to go drink coffee with them and sometimes I need the boys to talk about computers or some game or something or I would need advice from a guy. The same comes with my father and my mother. I think it's the same with my guy friends, I don't ask stuff that I would normally ask my father for and it's the same with my mom. I'm very friendly with guys because I have a brother, a big brother, so I'm very used to being around boys. But at the same time I do need my girlfriends. What about you?


Ayumi: I usually like judge people by their personality rather than sex. So I cannot say which one is easier. I think if you really get along with people well.


Katya: It doesn't really matter.


Ayumi: It doesn't really matter but I like guy friends in particular, for example, going to drinks or dancing together, this kind of thing. It's really fun to go with. With the girls, different kind of stuff, for example shopping, drinking coffee.


Katya: Talking about boys.


Ayumi: Yeah. So they have different kind of...


Katya: It depends on the situation I think.



1. be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于;
例句:I'm used to having my sleep interrupted.
2. rather than 而非;胜于;而不是;
例句:I think he means 'at' rather than 'to'.
3. get along with (与…)和睦相处;
例句:You have to learn to get along with others.
4. depend on 视情形而定;看情况;
例句:It would depend on the circumstances.


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