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来源:Times Online 编辑:Vicki


North Korea 'launches massive cyber attack on Seoul'


North Korea is the main suspect behind a campaign of cyber attacks that have paralysed (麻痹,瘫痪)the websites of US and South Korean government agencies, banks and businesses since American Independence Day.

News of the campaign — which would be the first such large-scale attack attempted by the dictatorship (独裁)— emerged yesterday as an ill and emaciated (衰弱的)Kim Jong Il made a rare public appearance.

US government agencies, ranging from the Treasury Department (财政部)to the Secret Service(特勤处), and South Korea’s presidential office, parliament and defence and foreign ministries were among those hit by the attacks, which began on July 4.

The South Korean Intelligence agency told members of parliament that it believed Pyongyang or its agents abroad were behind the attacks.

“This is not a simple attack by individuals,” Seoul’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) (国家情报院)said in a statement. “The attack appeared to have been elaborately(苦心经营地) prepared and staged by a certain organisation or state.”

The Yonhap news agency(联合新闻社) quoted an unnamed member of parliament who said that the NIS had suggested that the attacks were the work of North Korea or “a pro-North Korean force”.

Experts said that there was no indication of data theft, but because the websites were still affected four days after the attacks began, an unusually sophisticated denial of service attack had probably been used. Thousands of computers were infected by a virus that flooded websites with traffic, then overloaded their servers and forced them to shut down.

South Korean and US authorities were working to identify the creators of the virus, the NIS said. US officials would not speak publicly about the attack but an emergency notice has been sent to federal departments advising them of precautions(预防措施).

One theory is that they were tests of American and South Korean cyber defences. Security experts warned last year, amid an attack linked to China, that America remained more vulnerable to cyber-terrorism than any conventional form of attack.

President Obama announced the establishment of an inter-agency cyber-security office(机构间网络安全办公室) in May and the Pentagon(五角大楼) added a military Cyber Command (军事网络指挥中心)to supplement the civilian effort last month.

South Korea had warned of the danger of cyber-espionage (网络间谍)by Chinese and North Korean hackers. The country’s Defence Security Command said last month that it was logging attempts to penetrate military networks at an average rate of 95,000 a day.

If the attacks this week are the work of North Korea the timing is significant. Pyongyang has staged a series of verbal and physical provocations this year, including an underground nuclear test and the launch of an intercontinental rocket(洲际火箭).

The aggressive attitude suggests that it has abandoned expectations of negotiation with the international community in favour of whipping up (激励,鼓励)nationalist fervour (热情)at home.

Keke View:在2009年7月2日和4日的短短两天内,朝鲜连续发射了11枚射程在300-500公里以内的短程导弹(short-range missiles)。其中,7月4日美国独立日当天,从北京时间7时到16时40分发射了7枚。这些导弹据初步推测为“飞毛腿”短程导弹(scud missiles),射程均可cover all around South Korea。朝鲜如此强硬的行为引发了世界的continual suspect,为本就因核试验和洲际导弹试射而紧张的东北亚局势更添叵测。Now please probe into the story behind the North Korea nuclear issue with Keke。

朝鲜问题的由来(The origin of the issue):





朝鲜的实用主义外交政策(North Korea's pragmatic foreign policy)

历史上朝鲜是与China关系最紧密的藩属国,作为一个little country,在处理与中国与周边其他民族关系时,它长期采取了谁都不肯得罪的圆滑态度,对于一个不能主宰自己命运的弱小民族来说,这也是无奈的选择。现在,我们都看到了,韩国紧紧抱着美国的大腿,在其庇护下与北朝鲜对峙着,同时也成了美国的附庸。


朝鲜为何频频试射“捣蛋”(Why did North Korea do these)?


回顾朝鲜的第1次,第2次核危机,我们清楚地记得均是由“核嫌疑”所引起,而此次的积极行动无疑在引起世人眼球的同时,导致了第3次核危机。朝鲜何以以身试刀,向世界频示自己的"nuclear weapon country"的身份呢?In fact,不外乎以下几点。

First, 突破目前的僵持situation。早在Little Bush时代,美朝因在核验证与采样等低水平问题上的纠结而僵持不下,在解决这些问题后才形成了2005年9月19日于Beijing签署的《第四轮六方会谈共同声明》,美朝之间的高水平对话得以恢复。奥巴马政府上台后,一直对朝核问题表现出“恶意的ignorance”,并未对朝鲜的一系列行动予以直接回应。

Second, 提升military strength与谈判筹码。Even if美国仍然坚持不予理睬的策略,North Korea亦可借此提升、检验导弹威力,提高军事安全水平。Meanwhile,朝鲜的核武器、远程导弹、短程导弹都已经轮番上场,朝鲜军事力量得到检验成为既定fact。On the other hand,朝鲜此举无疑是向美国发出它已经做好谈判准备的信号。在这种情况下,无核化与不扩散将成为朝美交易的前提与素材,而没有真正的核技术与导弹技术更谈不上无核化与不扩散。Then 如果美朝能够走上谈判桌,放弃这些武器的代价自然会水涨船高。

Third,political 造势,prepare for 新领导集体亮相。Recently 越来越多的国际人士认为朝鲜将会出现一批新的领导人。从朝鲜历网政治运作来看,新一代领导人往往需要积累相当非凡的业绩。用核武器试验和密集的导弹试射来推出新的领导人无疑是一个不错的timing,向全世界传递这样一种信号:正是在新一代领导人的指挥下,朝鲜才取得了如此骄人的军事与政治achivements。

Fourth, make preparations for a 经济reform。朝鲜制订了实现“思想强国(Thinking Power)”、“军事强国(Military Power)”和“经济强国(Economic Power)”的“强盛大国(Super-power)”战略目标。目前,“思想强国”和“军事强国”的目标已经接近完成,而实现“强盛大国”目标的 deadline 为2012年。而在与美国处于敌对状态,遭受美国封锁与围堵的情况下,朝鲜实现“经济强国”目标的道路十分漫长。因此,实现“经济强国”目标的基础前提,正是与美国实现直接对话,解除对朝封锁。同样,朝鲜也只能在有着合理安全保障的情况下,才可能吸引外来投资,与美国的和解必不可少。朝鲜试射导弹等一系列行动表明,朝鲜在建设“强盛大国”问题上有着急切的战略紧迫感,试图在短时间内打破与美国的战略僵局,完成“战略突围”,转向经济建设。

Anyway,朝鲜虽然拿出积极作战的姿态,其实并没有作战的intention,也经受不起一场战争的洗礼,that's why 朝鲜can't幸免于被认为此次韩美网络受攻击的幕后策划者。
