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哪些航空公司使用波音737 Max执飞航线?

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The plane that crashed on Sunday outside Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, revived questions about a new Boeing model that is growing in popularity among airlines.


The crash was the second in just five months involving the model, a Boeing 737 Max 8. Concerns first surfaced after a Lion Air flight crashed near Indonesia in October, killing all 189 people aboard.

这次坠机是仅5个月内涉及波音737 Max 8这一型号的第二起事故。在去年10月狮子航空(Lion Air)一航班在印度尼西亚附近坠毁并造成机上189人全员遇难后,担忧首次显露出来。

The 737 class is a workhorse for airlines worldwide, and the single-aisle 737 Max has been Boeing’s best-selling plane ever. More than 350 of the Max 8 planes are currently registered, and many more are on order.

737是全球航空公司的主力机型,单通道的737 Max是波音公司有史以来最畅销的飞机。目前已有超过350架Max 8飞机交付注册,还有更多在下单生产。

Max 8 planes flew more than 8,500 flights worldwide in the week beginning Feb. 25, according to Flightradar24, a flight tracking service. The most popular routes were in North America and China.

根据航班跟踪服务Flightradar24的数据,在2月25日开始的那一周内,全球有超过8500班次的航班使用Max 8飞机。最受欢迎的航线在北美和中国境内。

Two American carriers that use the planes heavily — Southwest Airlines and American Airlines — have said they will continue to fly them. But on Monday, China and Indonesia ordered their airlines to ground all of the Max 8 jets they operate. Some other carriers, including Cayman Airways and Comair, followed suit.

两家大量使用该机型的美国航空公司——西南航空(Southwest Airlines)和美国航空(American Airlines)——表示他们将继续用该机型执飞。但中国和印度尼西亚在周一命令本国航空公司停飞他们运营的所有Max 8。包括开曼航空(Cayman Airways)和康姆航空(Comair)在内的其他一些航空公司也纷纷效仿。

哪些航空公司使用波音737 Max执飞航线?

Investigators have not yet determined the cause of the Ethiopia crash, but they recovered both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder on Monday.


Some circumstances of the crash, such as unusual altitude changes after takeoff, were similar to those in the Lion Air flight.


Five months later, the causes of the Indonesian crash are still under investigation. But the tragedy revealed that Boeing and the United States Federal Aviation Administration determined that pilots did not need to be informed of changes to the Max 8’s flight control system, which may have contributed to the crash.

五个月后,印尼空难的原因仍在调查之中。但悲剧揭露了波音公司和美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)曾决定不需要告知飞行员有关Max 8飞行控制系统的变化,这可能导致了坠机事故。