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When it comes to pronouns, norms are changing fast. October 16 was International Pronouns Day, a new holiday that debuted only last year. According to organizers, it has American roots, but last year, some 25 countries participated.



And the discussion around pronouns is quickly seeping into American politics. Currently, half of the 12 Democratic presidential hopefuls have added their personal pronoun preferences to their Twitter bios—Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Julián Castro (who also includes él, which is “he” in Spanish), Cory Booker, and Tom Steyer.

围绕代词的讨论迅速进入美国政界,目前12个民主党总统候选人中有一半已经在自己的Twitter bios上添加了自己喜欢的人称代词,包括伊丽莎白·沃伦、卡玛拉·哈里斯、Pete Buttigieg、朱利安・卡斯特罗(代词里也有个él,在西班牙语中是“他”)、科里·布克和汤姆·斯泰尔。

All six use personal pronouns associated with their assigned-at-birth genders, but the declaration of one’s personal choice is more poignant for people who are transgender, gender fluid, gender-nonconforming, or nonbinary.


“Proactively asking someone’s pronouns is the first step to take,” says Gillian Branstetter, spokeswoman for the National Center for Transgender Equality, who is a trans woman. “Trans people have to educate people around us all the time. The point of putting pronouns in an email signature and proactively offering yours is to relieve some of that burden.”

国家变性人平等中心发言人Gillian Branstetter是一个变性女人,她说:“首先要主动询问别人的代词,变性人总是需要向我们身边的人进行说明。在电子邮件签名时写上代词并主动给出自己的代词可以省去不必要的麻烦。”

She added that once instructed—or corrected—you should use the personal pronoun the person wants. Ignoring how an individual wants to be identified is a microaggression.


Last month, Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Sam Smith, who’d come out as nonbinary in March, announced a preference for they/them pronouns.


Then, Merriam-Webster added a definition for the word “they,” saying it can be used to “refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary.”


Relatedly, shortly afterward, Mattel, maker of the iconic Barbie, introduced gender-neutral dolls.
