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Hillary Clinton’s campaign has accused Republican rival Donald Trump of being a “Kremlin puppet” with “deep financial ties” to both China and Russia as it sought to deflect persisting criticism of the Clinton Foundation’s ties to foreign donors.

希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的竞选阵营指责共和党对手唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)是“克里姆林宫的傀儡”,与中国和俄罗斯都有“深层次的财务关系”。目前希拉里方面正寻求转移针对克林顿基金会(Clinton Foundation)与海外捐赠者的关系的持续批评。

The move came as new financial disclosures showed the Clinton campaign spent more than twice as much as the New York businessman’s in July and was in a stronger financial position with the US presidential election less than 80 days away.


New polls also showed the former secretary of state and first lady maintaining or expanding her lead nationally and in important swing states such as Ohio.


But the move by Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, to step up the criticism of Mr Trump and his foreign business links also highlighted how both candidates are racing to the November 8 election carrying potential vulnerabilities over their international links.

但是,希拉里的竞选经理罗比•穆克(Robby Mook)加大了对特朗普及其海外商务关系的批评力度,也突显出在两位候选人瞄准11月8日的大选展开竞选之际,都在自己的海外关系上存在着潜在的软肋。

Concerns over foreign donors to the charitable Clinton Foundation and whether they used their influence to secure improper access to Mrs Clinton while she was in government flared again last week after the disclosure of new emails.


Mr Trump, meanwhile, has been accused of having both business and political links to Russia and other foreign countries. The New York Times reported that a building in which Mr Trump was part-owner owed millions to the Bank of China, a state-owned bank.

与此同时,特朗普被指与俄罗斯和其他国家保持商业和政治关系。据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,特朗普拥有部分产权的一栋建筑物欠了中国国有的中国银行(Bank of China)数百万美元。

The Clinton campaign sought to draw a contrast with those international financial links, pointing to the non-profit Clinton Foundation’s work on HIV and other health issues versus what it claimed were Mr Trump’s murky for-profit business dealings.


“Donald Trump is refusing to disclose deep financial ties that potentially reach into the Kremlin, which could influence his foreign policy decisions, but also where countries like China have leverage over him and could potentially distort his decision-making,” Mr Mook said. “And there are real questions being raised about whether Donald Trump himself is just a puppet for the Kremlin in this race.”


The property mogul’s business arrangements also raised questions about other campaign promises, Mr Mook told ABC’s This Week. “Donald Trump talks all the time about a trade war with China. How can he really do that when millions of dollars of his own bottom line could be affected directly by the Chinese government?”

穆克在美国广播公司(ABC)的《本周》(This Week)节目上表示,这位房地产大亨的商业安排还引发了有关其他竞选承诺的问题。“唐纳德•特朗普老是在说要和中国打一场贸易战争。在他自己的盈亏有数百万美元可能直接受到中国政府影响的情况下,他怎么能真正做到那一点?”

The Democratic attack followed last week’s reshuffle by the Trump campaign and the latest effort by Mr Trump to be more disciplined and avoid the sort of gaffes that have hurt his image with many voters.
