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Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamad Javad Zarif waves from a balcony of the Palais Coburg where closed-door nuclear talks were held in Vienna, Austria.

闭门核谈判在奥地利维也纳结束后,伊朗外长穆罕默德•贾瓦德•扎里夫(Mohamad Javad Zarif)在寇宝宫(Palais Coburg)阳台上挥手致意。

Six world powers and Iran have agreed a breakthrough deal to wind back the country’s progress towards building a nuclear bomb in exchange for a sweeping reversal of international economic sanctions, bringing to a close nearly a decade of isolation for the Islamic Republic, according to officials involved in the talks.


Details of the deal — including the crucial timings and scope of sanctions relief for Iran and the range of access international nuclear inspectors will be granted over Iran’s sensitive nuclear sites — are expected to be announced later on Tuesday.


EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini and Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will hold a press conference at Vienna’s UN centre in the next couple of hours.

几小时后,欧盟(EU)外交事务负责人费代丽卡•莫盖里尼(Federica Mogherini)和伊朗外长穆罕默德•贾瓦德•扎里夫将在维也纳的联合国中心召开记者招待会。

Capping two years of protracted, difficult negotiations, the deal — finally agreed on Tuesday morning in Vienna — will put in place hard limits on Tehran’s nuclear activities for the next decade and, within weeks, begin to reconnect the $400bn Iranian economy with the world.


It will be hailed by many as one of the most significant foreign policy success of Barack Obama’s US presidency and decried by others — including some of Washington’s closest Middle East allies — as one of its most egregious failures.

该协议将被许多人誉为巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在美国总统任期内实现的最重要外交政策成就之一,也会被一些人(包括部分美国最亲密的中东盟友)贬斥为他在此期间的最大失败之一。

Tuesday’s deal brings to a close a marathon two-week stretch of discussions between Iran and its interlocutors — the US, Russia, France, China, the UK and Germany — that have set precedents and broken records.


Oil prices fell more than 2 per cent as news of the deal broke.


Since they began, the talks have involved the highest-level diplomacy seen between Iran and the US since the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 and they have demanded the highest-level of commitment. No secretary of state has dedicated as much time to a single diplomatic objective as John Kerry.

这场谈判开始后,伊美两国之间的外交互动级别之高是1979年伊朗国王被推翻以来从未有过的,两国最高层也根据形势需要做出了一些承诺。没有哪位美国国务卿像约翰•克里(John Kerry)这样,在某一外交目标上投入了这么多时间。

Perhaps most significantly, though, if the agreement holds, it will be the first ever case in which a country subject to chapter seven sanctions by the UN Security Council has exited them through diplomacy, rather than war.

但最重要的或许是,如果上述协议成立的话,将是首次有一个联合国安理会(UN Security Council)依据《联合国宪章》第七章对其制裁的国家,通过外交而非战争摆脱了制裁。

Attention will now turn to Washington and Tehran, where hardliners have been set on trying to scupper the talks for months. In the US, Congress will now have two months to scrutinise the agreement and then vote on whether it should be upheld. In Iran, the majlis, the country’s parliament, will also vote on the text, but it does not have a fixed timetable for doing so.
